Showing sad quotes for tag "Sad"

I'm still silent to respect the rain       -who made me remember you-       to prove that I'm still loving you as the greatness of the rain...
Of all the things I have lost
.......I miss my mind the most!
Tags: Lost, Sad, Depressed
I miss your arms that holded me and made me feel safe.....
........ and your hand that I used to hold that stopped me from falling into deep darkness
What doesn't kill you .. makes you wish it did.
Tags: Pain, Suffering, Sad
I know that I was one of the worst relationships you've had ............but If you let me try again I know I can be one of the best as well.....
Tags: Missing, Breakup, Sad
Just saying the words "I love you", doesn't make it any more true
Loneliness,my old friend
Here you are again,back in my life
I thought you would never come again
I never dreamed I would feel you again
But now that you are here
Lets share this road
Let us walk together again
- Cedric R
Submitted By: cedou2391
Tags: Loneliness, Sad
+54 chance to break free is nothing but a moments away....
.....what stands in the way of my path, is nothing but.. ...........the memory of you.
" Life can be a cage of emotion, leaving you trapped. You just need to wait long enough for the one with the key to set you free..."
Tags: Sad, Love
"Don't predict the way I feel. My tears flow just as freely as my laughter..."
- Jess Crellin
Submitted By: leover
Tags: Depress, Sad