Showing sad quotes for tag "love"

Oh God make me sightless but not loveless
Tags: Love, Sight
If i had to choose between loving you and breathing, then i would use my last breath to say I love you..
Tags: Love, Breath
You were the first person to let me know how important I am. You were the first person who held me really special. You were the first person to love me this great. And the person who sacrificed his feelings for my own good. I don't want this love to be wasted. If we are really for each other, I'll be happy. If not I'll still remain happy for I have met a wonderful person like you.
Tags: Love, Breakup
its wasnt me you were inlove with, it was the idea of being inlove that you were inlove with.
Tags: Love, Idea
I used to love looking at my keyboard to see that u & i were always together. But then I looked down and saw jk :(
God gave us 2 eyes to see
2 ears to hear
2 hands to grasp
2 feet to close distance
why did he give us 1 heart?
so we can find the one who has the another
Tags: Love
love until it hurts no more..
- spiker 18
Submitted By: quiker 18
Tags: Hurt, Love
The true evidence of a broken heart, is the feeling of despair when we are apart
- SolemnFootsteps
Submitted By: Solemnfootsteps
Tags: Hurt, Love, Sadness, Heartbreak
The worst punishment god can give you
is to leave you dying while you're still alive.

- aly
Tags: Pain, Love, Hurt
Hurts again? Bleed again?
It's normal.
Because, that's the cost of love.
Tags: Cost, Love