Showing sad quotes for tag "lonely"

If there is  love in this world, why I still felt lonely and lost.
If there is really love in this world, why you always made me cry.
If you really love me, why I cry by my self
Tags: Love, Lost, Lonely
I don't want you in my life,I need you in my life..!!
I don't like you, I love you..!!
Your just not my love, Your my Life..!!
I'm glad to have you, as i was absolutely lost without you....!!!!!
Loneliness is a poet;
it writes your deepest emotion 
of love and sadness
at times when all you have is yourself.
Its Love when its you,
Its Care when its you,
Its possessive when its you,
It turns into pain when it comes to "ME"
Tags: Love, Pain, Tears, Hurt, Lonely
...I feel empty when you're gone...
Always be with the one who is lonely with out you...
Tags: Lonely, Sad, Unloved
Love is a bless in your life like rain,
You won't know when its gonna rain, how hard and how long...
So you must be grateful if you're loved.
Tags: Love, Life, Unloved, Lonely, Sad
We always feel that Life Of others is Better dan us.!
But, we always Forget that We r also "Others" For Someone Else"
Don't force someone to remember you all the time...
Just stay silent  let them realize...
how they will be without you in their life..
There is no longer night come pair to that of a lonely night.