Dispersing is easiest thing to do, trying to be seen is the hardest.
I loved you once,
i loved you twice,
i love you more than beans and rice
- Unknown
First love never dies
...but true love can bury it alive
- Anonymous
I don't want you in my life,I need you in my life..!!
I don't like you, I love you..!!
Your just not my love, Your my Life..!!
I'm glad to have you, as i was absolutely lost without you....!!!!!
What doesn't kill you makes you wish it did.
- Alex
People ask me why is it so hard to trust people.
I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise.
I learned many things from you...
Love wasn't one of them.
there are many dumb ways to die.
...There is only one dumb way to live: alone.
Tell my dreams that I will follow them later...
He was the prestigious gift I have ever had
.... but I was the game that he played..