Showing sad quotes for tag "Depression"

Broken a mirror smashed to pieces.
losing a friend
its hard to pretend
that the light is always 
at the end of the tunnel

But when you reach out
and touch the spark of hope
you realise
that hope never dies
When it all seems dark
and you feel like giving up
think of the memories you had
and try to let go
STOP THE WORLD!.... I want to get off...
"They say the first love is the sweetest,
but the first cut is the deepest."
Do you know why I love you?... 
but then even if I say it you won't even care to listen coz..... 
I knew from the start that you never had a reason to love me.
Life might seem the most beautiful thing in the world....but in truth its the lie of life that is beautiful 
and not the truth hidden beneath all the lies.
Tags: Life, Lies, Depression
"Your words don't hurt me. Because I've heard worst..."
I've lost a lot of things and my heart was one of them, Please don't throw it away.
"Everyone says its gonna be alright but honestly everyone doesn't know how I feel"