Showing sad quotes for tag "Love"

if someone that you really loved didn`t love you , its okay because you still have a friend

But it felt like the world is yours when someone`s that you loved , loved you too
- liyana
Submitted By: Nur Balqis
Tags: Love, Unloved
Sometimes when you love someone you don't just let them go, you just have to find a way to make them happy without you
"love is like a shadow seen by me but never felt by me until today"
- Ben
Tags: Love, Hope, Recover, Truth
If you try to stay strong for too long you'll break, so let someone give you strength and to be strong for you.
Oh won't you stay with me? Cause you're all I need. And this ain't love. it's clear to see, but darling, stay with me...
- Sam Smith
Submitted By: Dissentient
Tags: Stay, Love, Hopeless
The person I want to fall in love with? Is a person who can crack my mask and bring forth the tears of joy, not the tears of pain.
Tags: Love, Mask, Tears, Joy, Pain
I hurt, you fell great. I fall, you stand strong. I tell a story of 1,00 words, you remain silent. I love you, you hate me.
Thus, I can neither live without you nor with you.
- Ovid
Submitted By: Dissentient
Tags: Ovid, Amores, Life, Love, Indecisive, Hurt, Decisions
You make it so 
I can't ever get up.
But I know you know
How much broken hearts hurt.
When you needed someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, I was there. You were never lonely because even if everyone left you, I'd still be there to make you feel like the center of attention. But you never did that for me. All I wanted was your love, and you couldn't give it. I was used by you, and cast aside. And yet, I still love you...
Tags: Lonely, Love