"Love is like a roller coaster,when you go up, it seems like it will forever rise but it drops like the speed of light"
the gray clouds are also part of the landscape..
Tags: Life
"There are more tears running down my face then there is rain in a whole year,
And i feel more alone then i was before."
- Mel
If you walk away from me, ill come right after you but i know if i walk away from you, you'll go the other way.
Tags: Sad Love, Hurt
I knew all along that I was too lucky to have you... well thanks for keeping me smiling while it lasted
Being single doesn't suck.
It can be fun sometimes. but its lonely.
any independent and strong person will learn how to be alone. 
but its nice to have someone around to share your life with.
its a gift of life that's hard to find.
Tags: Hope, Loneliness
I hide my tears and pain when I am around you... but that doesn't mean that I have no heart just because I don't show the pain.
Sometimes, I think you regret saying goodbye, because when I walk by you, all you do is stare... and when I look up into your eyes all I see is "I am so sorry, Summer."
Tags: Wonder, Hope
Love comes to you in a blink of an eye and leaves you just as fast as it comes.
Tags: Love, Unloved, Breakup
When someone really loves you, they will never hurt you...and if they do, you'll see that in their eyes they are hurt too.
- Peter Parker
Submitted By: simplyblue
Tags: Sad, Love, Hurt