better show your lonely than pretend your happy
- joy
Tags: Happy, Pretend
Life is like a boat 
It has it up and down 
Its smiles and frowns 
Its laugh and pain
its lives and dies
Its awkens then sleeps
Tags: Life
Some losses are permanent.
Tags: Lose
Love is a good medicine but this medicine has a side effect that is what you call pain....
Tags: Love, Pain
"Every heart has a pain only the way of expression is different -----  some hide in their eyes while some hide in their smile"-------
Tags: Pain, Hide, Eyes
Love cant be hidden.
- Tear Drops
Submitted By: Victoria Lopez
Tags: Love, Hide
I miss the good times and i wish it could be the same way, but those days are gone and there's no reason to stay.
Tags: Miss, Broken, Missing
Tears fall from my eyes, blood comes from your lies, from all your goodbyes, here in my grave, is where my body lies.
The flower never grew
But I love you just the same
Even though like a bird you flew
I will love you just the same
- Draconian - The Band
Submitted By: Bony Yousuf
Tags: Unloved, Forever, Love
~ Behind my smile is a hurting heart.  Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart.  Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me.
Tags: Lost