Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Lacey's Story


30 Apr, 2013 04:10 AM

This story is not a story of hope, it is not a story of love, and it is not a story of triumph. This is a story explaining how horrible life can truly be and how some people are not lucky enough to receive a happy ending. It shows how cruel life is and even though you have done nothing wrong to anyone that your life can end in horror and death. This is a story about a 23 year old girl named Lacey and her 6 year old little boy. Lacey is a beautiful young lady with the most amazing red hair you would ever see in your entire life. She made one big mistake in her life when she was 17 at a party; she was drinking that is when one thing led to another and she ended up in the back room with a random guy. When... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Sadness, Loneliness, Memories, Friendship, Love, Sad, Life
Votes: 22



21 Apr, 2013 11:22 AM

She lies there staring aimlessly at the roof as silent as the dead night itself, she try's to figure out why he left, she try's to figure out a reason for him not being here she wants to know why, she is listening to her breathing to distract herself from letting that familiar sour salty tasting water drip from her vibrant pale blue eyes, but the memories just get flooding in past her barriers and walls she has built so high over the past year, the memories of the times she spent with the boy she loved, all the walks along the beach, all the times he gave her his jacket when she was cold, all the times he would make her smile. She cant remember the last time she smiled, nobody can, her friends that have become strangers, her parents that have now become intruders in her home. Her... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Love Hurts, Love Story, Lonely, Sad, Sadness, Sad Love, Inlove, Longing, Missing, Memories
Votes: 7



22 Apr, 2013 01:59 PM

To start from the beginning is a understatement. My sad story starts from a young age and continues with me until now. My family always wanted the best for me, so you could say, their rules and restrictions were for my own benefit. I grew up in a religious family and was taught that education was my primary focus in life, So I attended a religious all girls school. I was taught that there were no such things as 'guy' friends, and they only wanted one thing, etc. I was shielded. I had two elder brothers that monitored my every move, even as they attended the all boys school neighboring mine. My short time in the girls school was a breeze, I was focused and determined, but that would all change eventually. Senior school was upon me now, but their was a change, my school would now be integrated as... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Sad, Love, Family, Memories, Broken Heart, Sadness, Tears
Votes: 7

My Broken Heart's Letter


21 Apr, 2013 03:08 AM

(This was the letter I wrote to my older brother the day after the love of my life broke up with me) Big brother, How are you doing? I am horrible. He broke up with me yesterday!! I feel lost, broken, and helpless. After 6 years he decided that after the end of his 9 months of house arrest he is moving back with his family in Europe, and he doesn’t want me to be a part of his new beginning, his new life. As he puts it he wants to start “fresh.” Yet he tells me he does still love me but that he HAS to do this. He said he isn’t ok with losing me forever, that he knows he is throwing something perfect away but he made up his mind! It tears me apart! I’ve never felt so deserted, so broken. I don’t know what to do.... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Hurt, Lost, Crushed, Alone, Boyfriend, Memories, Breakup, Sad
Votes: 2

I'll Never Let Go

Nithrodal Eveningstar

04 Mar, 2013 02:39 AM

Prompt: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart. "Hello." That's how it all started. Hello. He smiled, eyes taking in the sight of the girl in front of him. Messy, curly, brown hair, tan skin, white shirt, denim shorts, brown Asian eyes. She was nothing special. But he memorized the moment. She smiled back, confused at why her heart was beating so fast, "Hello..." She looked down at the ground, too scared to look up at the boy. She took note of his shining blonde hair and gray eyes as she fought the blush threatening to creep to her face. He memorized that too. That's how it started. A meeting of two strangers. Both oblivious to what they started by just saying hello... She laughed brightly, amused at the boy trying his best to make her... [Read More]

Tags: Never Let Go, Love, Long Distance, Sad, Hurt
Votes: 15

The Lone Wolf

john Daise

08 Apr, 2013 11:18 AM

This is the story of a young man. Whether you learn something from this or not is up to you. Most of the time until high school I like to stay alone why? I do not know but that's just me. Anyway I met new people in high school and eventually became friends with them. Of those friends I gathered there were 2 girls. Sam and Sabrina. Unfortunately for me I became attracted to Sabrina. she was a very weird girl and some things about her I did not understand. So eventually we talked but it turned out even I was too weird for her. See in my school men that was considered weird became an outcast while girls was different. Not only that there was a few things I wasn't used too like friends and other things. So I just wasn't ready for a lot of things. For example... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Lonely, Unloved, Sad, Alone
Votes: 4

I Remember You


04 Apr, 2013 02:16 AM

I remember you in junior high. You were a year younger than me so of course we didn't socialize, but I liked you. You were dating another geek. You ran track. You played the trumpet. I remember you in high school. The marching band went to a trip to Hollywood, and my friend and I (who weren't really part of it but along for the ride anyway) ran into you and your friends and decided that you all were much more fun than the people that we were stuck with. I remember listening to you play 'Round Midnight. I remember feeling a stirring in the pit of my stomach. I remember you during my Senior Prom. We called it the anti-Prom because we all couldn't afford tickets so we went out, me and my boyfriend, you and your girlfriend, and my friend and her boyfriend, all part of the same... [Read More]

Tags: Lover, Remember, Swinging, Love, Marriage, Sad, Unloved, True Story
Votes: 3


Toby Carmen

02 Apr, 2013 07:10 PM

First let me say this. This story I'm sharing with you is what I went through. I remember it so well, I sometimes have nightmares about it, but I get through it. I feel as if it helps me when I share it, so here I am, sharing it with you. It's been about a year now since this happened. So, please, don't worry about it now. Yes, it still keeps a burden on me, but not as much as it used to. I first met Adam when I went to my high school. I was a sophomore. We had met through a friend, in which we became friends, but it soon turned into a gigantic crush for me. I had told my friend that I thought I was falling for him, but I wasn't gay at that time. I wasn't sure if it was okay for me. About a... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Victim, Hurt, Rape, Alone, Betrayed, Gay
Votes: 8

The abandoned soul

Empty soul

01 Apr, 2013 08:40 AM

My heart aches and I am only a shell of a person. I set the appearance of being calm, cool, and collected, but I feel so lonely inside. I have no one. I am all alone on this earth. My "friends" do not care about me, they only want things from me. When I was young, I used to be so happy and cheerful until my mother began to emotionally torment me. She beat me with wire hangers, extension cords, and wires. Of course, to her she was only " punishing me for misbehaving" but I knew she was only taking out her frustrations. To this day I will not forget the bruises she left me and the pain and torment that she caused me. Always calling me stupid and saying I would not amount to any hiring. Truth is, I forgive her because she is my mother.. A few... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Love, Sorrow, Hatred, Heartbroken, Alone, Empty, A Shell, Unloved, Sad
Votes: 2

My Life Story

Sarah S

31 Mar, 2013 03:31 AM

I am 16 years old, in grade 11, and my life is messed up. It all started when I was in grade 7, when I moved back to my home town (where grown up). I was just a kid loving life, with no problems, have great friends, and just amazing life. But in grade 7, I started getting picked on. I started getting called names like fat, ugly, waste of space, etc. I honestly hated the names, I hated my life. I didn't understand why people started acting like that to me. In grade 8, last year in education school and the name calling and bulling is still going on. I never told my mom, or the teacher because I thought the name calling will get worst so I left it to myself. About half way in grade 8, I started getting stressed out, and mad at myself. I started... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Depression, Boyfriend, Life, Love, Live, Cut, Self-harm, Scars, Memories, Confused, Missing
Votes: 5