Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

A moment too soon

Pui Kei

29 Mar, 2013 01:18 PM

I knew this was my moment. All eyes were fixed on me except Audrey’s. Hers were shut tightly, tears trickling down her rosy cheeks. Pa and Ma were somewhere around us, I could sense it because they were crying out for me. If you were to ask me if I regretted this path that I had chosen, I would say no. Perhaps, a little, now that Audrey was so disheartened. * * * * * “Alex, are you in there?” Audrey’s squeaky voice reverberated from behind the bedroom door. I quickly chucked away the dresses, wigs and cosmetics into my one and only wardrobe before opening the door. “They’re asleep?” I asked her. “Yes,” my biological twin replied. I let out a sigh involuntarily and locked the door. Audrey started to take out everything that I had just stuffed into the tiny wardrobe. After changing into a sleeveless dress, she... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love Story, Death, Homosexual, Trust, Unloved, Family, Sad, Pain, Truth
Votes: 4

Once Was Love


25 Mar, 2013 01:06 AM

When I met him he was my night in shining armor he did everything right he made me proud to call him mine. I thought that what we felt would never change then one day he asked me to marry him, it was a dream coming true. He made me go crazy. He just did everything that I thought no one could ever do for me My life was wonderfully going right after everything I went through. I knew he was mine he was the one I wanted to spend my life with. But then it all changed. we were taking about having kids and being the happy family getting our own place and living a great life. Then he just started changing. It all came from him. He didn't wanted a family and all. He wanted to do was play the game. I didn't understand. I thought everything was... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hate, Heartbroken, Lost, Hurt, Sad, Unloved
Votes: -2

My lonely life


23 Mar, 2013 04:03 AM

I would always think to myself, is it all worth it? Is it even worth trying anymore? Sometimes I just feeling running away... Far off to the distance... Where I can be alone. Every night I cry myself to sleep. I wake up with sadness written on my eyes. I go to school, get bullied, then go back home. I never had friends. I never fitted in. People just knew me as the 'lonely kid' I was perfectly fine with that name, because it was the truth. My mother died when I was born. My dad tried his best to raise me, but he just kept drinking and smoking, and gambling. Every time I go home, I see my father laying on the floor. I would always just run to my room crying. Why did God give me this life? Why do I need to suffer? I have no one... [Read More]

Tags: Emo, True Story, Sad, Lonely, Alone, Bullied, Unloved, Sadness
Votes: 8

Damned by Love

xXLauren LucidityXx

23 Mar, 2013 04:00 AM

I tell this story for times ago, ages past and memories lost. Damned am I, and damned forever. Eternities of endless wandering I must suffer... and all because I, a hopeless girl, and a foolish boy fell in love... I fiddled with my thumbs aimlessly, the crisp October breeze pricking at my arms. My blonde hair was gently blowing in the breeze like golden tendrils of flame, dancing with the setting sun. My smiling eyes were set on one thing, and one thing only... Shawn's front door. My stomach jumped when I witnessed the knob turning, the deep, violet door slowly creaking open. Gradually, in which every second was like an hour, my mouth turned up in a smile from the jitters of his arrival. His silhouette was jet black against the blinding light erupting from his home. The radiant glow from inside was electrifying against the fading sky, flowing... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Moving Away, Death, Sorrow, Pain, Tears, Separation, Love, Memories
Votes: 5

Missing Home


22 Mar, 2013 12:03 AM

I've always been closest to my grandparents. I was their favorite, you see. When I was younger, I lived with them, they cooked for me, helped me with school- everything. I hardly ever saw my parents or my siblings. My Grandmother was strict. She was the one who made sure I finished my school work and studied. I used to think of her as an annoying teacher who lives with me, watching my every movement. My Grandpa, on the other hand, was a sweetheart. He came to my every need, even slept in the same room with me because I was scared of the dark. He'd pick me up every day from school, asking me whether I was hungry, or thirsty. Every time, every time I'd reply 'No' in a very annoyed voice. I loved them with all my heart, I just didn't think much of my behavior, I never... [Read More]

Tags: Grandparents, Grandmother, Grandfather, Love, Missing, Home, Sad, Tears, Memories
Votes: 1

Not a happy endidng

Joana Valencia

21 Mar, 2013 08:07 PM

Well, like most of you guys know, all fairy tales have a happy ending, right? With their prince and castle and all that. But my story does not have a happy ending, it's just the opposite. By the way, it is a real story, my story. Hope you enjoy it! It was the beginning of my freshman year-I only knew 3 people by that time-and he was staring at me. I didn't know his name, but I liked the way he was looking at me, because no one had looked at me that was before, I was happy. At the end of class, he came up to me and asked my name. I was shocked, but at the end I gave him my name, phone number, and e-mail. He did the same. After school he did something I did not expect. He was waiting for me at the parking lot... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, Death, Depression, True Story, Love, Sad, Pain, Memories
Votes: 10

Never letting go


16 Mar, 2013 12:10 PM

"Eva, this isn't how it ends." He whispered. Tears flowed freely from my eyes. I didn't care how ridiculous I looked, all I wanted was him. I grabbed his hands, holding them tightly...I never wanted to let go. I never wanted him to let go of me. "Y-You can't leave me! D-don't do this. I don't know what to do...I can't do this without you." I whole body shaked with my tears and pain. "I'm sorry." He just whispered. "Lin-Lincoln...No. Please. Don't." "I'm sorry." He whispered again, and leaned in to kiss me on the forehead, "I love you, I love you more than anything in the world...And I always will." I shook my head. It wasn't enough. I needed him to stay by my side.I wasn't anything without him. "Why are you l-leaving me? I-is it something I did....?" I choked, my voice barely audible, "I can-I will... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Forbidden Love, Alone, Love, Pain, Missing, Memories, Sad
Votes: 4

I can't believe I let this happen.


14 Mar, 2013 07:42 PM

So, it was some 9 years ago, when I went abroad. I was only 10. It was for a family wedding, my relatives lived there. I made really good friends with my dads distant cousin. She was so nice, and we always had a laugh! One day we were out, and her older brother walked past, he was 2 years older than me. I talked to him and after that we became such good friends, he always made me laugh, bearing in mind we were only young, he'd accompany me in the weirdest of adventures! The holiday lasted for 2 months, but in that short time, I felt a attraction to this boy, without actually knowing it. It didn't occur to me that in some distant way he was related to my dad. We were such good friends, but the time came when I had to come back to England.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Forbidden, Sad, History, Endless, Unspoken Love, Separation, Missing, Memories, Distance
Votes: 6

A Diamond Ring

Doll Face

14 Mar, 2013 03:46 PM

I sat by your bed, holding your hand, crying, begging for you to wake up. You've been in a coma for a year now. Everyday I come and visit you. I do the same thing over and over again. I'm so sorry. Its my fault you're here. My fault you're like this. I hope you know I didn't mean to do it. It was just a game. You shouldn't have listened to me, but you always do because you love me so much. I love you too. Please wake up. I miss you. I need you to come back. Remember before the accident what you asked me? You said it meant that one day I promise I would marry you. I told you that if you win I would answer you. But you didn't win... you got hurt really badly... and now here you are... barley breathing... for a year.... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Love, Accident, Separation, Missing, Sad, Memories
Votes: 5

My First Real Infatuation


10 Mar, 2013 07:56 PM

It was December... A regular, cold morning in our school. I was only an 8th grader. I had just gotten over my last 'crush', who had ignored me and talked wrong about me behind my back. This year had been very tough for me- my best friend had stabbed me in the back, half of my other friends left me, and almost everyone else around me hated me or didn't want to talk to me. I went through a time when I just wasn't happy and I wanted to be alone. That time changed when I talked to a boy named Stephen. Stephen was different to me, but I didn't know it yet. I had met him in the 6th grade, and he was amazing. Then, we slowly forgot about each other. I talked to him again in 8th grade (I sat behind him). He was also so charming and... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Crush, Honesty, High School, Unloved, Sad, Hurt, Hope
Votes: 4