Showing sad stories for tag "Heartbroken"

Forever Always Seemed Longer to Me

Mika Grey

09 Sep, 2012 02:09 AM

Once upon a time a little girl fell in love with a little boy. Their older sisters were best friends and often dragged the little boy and girl along because they were babysitting. The girl loved the boy from day one. The day when he held her hand and told her he'd help her through anything. As they got older, her crush only grew and grew and grew. She watched him from a far, as their friendship had lessened the older and more different they got. Her heart ached for him, but she let him be free. She would never take his freedom from him. She watched him fall in love again and again, and was there to pick up the pieces of his heart and put them back together when it broke. Vice Versa, he was always there to pick up her broken relationships, too. But she tried harder.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 6



26 Jan, 2012 05:51 PM

Love is such a big word, yet used in such various ways. Its a word someone can abuse or can be used to give life. Its waking you every morning and knowing that the beautiful sun will kiss you in the face and the birds will orchestrate the most beautiful song that I deserve. When love hits you, you don't see it coming yet you don't feel it coming. It comes to move you and shake the very essence of existence you hold dear. Can you breathe under water, probably not. Can you fly without wings? You cant.... Now, can you feel pain in love? That's the question i ask myself everyday. My roommate Pauline was my high school best friend. We went to college together and shared an apartment together. She was my sister that i have always wanted. For 2 years, my life became an song on repeat.... [Read More]

Tags: Breakup, Heartbroken, Pain, Suffering
Votes: 5

Greater Love, Greater Pain

Christian Fire

13 Jan, 2012 05:31 PM

My story starts back at December 2008 when I was in 9th grade. I was out with some friends when one of my friends called 3 girls from his class (2 of them I already knew) and said to come hang with us. I didn't knew the 3rd person (I only knew her by face) and the other friend usually opens his mouth about anything and he said: "Hey did you know that she has a boyfriend?" Deep in me I felt a little disappointed, then i said to myself "What do I care." Then she came with the 2 girls I already knew and so we met. After awhile we started hanging out, we talked a lot and one day she asked for my Skype. And so we were chatting every day, up until late and little by little I was starting to like her(she was still with her... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 9

A Masked Fairytale...


15 Jan, 2012 10:00 PM

A 13 year old girl leading a normal life in a middle school where everyone was fake. No one cared about the good things in your life...just the bad. I met you there. You were with her when I met you. I thought of you as any other guy in the school. My best friend and I hung out with your girlfriend but you and I never talked. The first time we said hi to each other was just like anything else I've ever done. I didn't give it much thought. It was your last year...and we had only been talking for a couple months. I never imagined myself falling for you. We became best friends...We talked about anything and everything. Remember the nicknames? Monkey and Skittles...yeah, I remember. I remember the pain in your eyes when she broke up with you. I remember how bad I felt to see... [Read More]

Tags: Love Hurts, Unloved, Tears, Heartbroken
Votes: 12

It was not meant to be


24 Jul, 2012 08:45 AM

as I looked out the window, it was the sight of my mother leaving to which I never saw again. I was in the 5th grade when this happened, and i still remember it was 2 weeks before our promotion to junior high, growing up i never thought my parents would ever divorce or lose my mother for the rest of my life. "Where are your parents?" i heard my friend asked me all the time. They asked me this at the Ridge Way elementary promotion, where I was the only kid in the cafeteria with neither off his parents. I remember going home and crying my eyes and heart out and being angry at my father for not losing a day of work to come see me in this day and I was furious with my mother for leaving me and my family. my mother was the only women... [Read More]

Tags: Unloved, Heartbroken, Alone, Love, Pain
Votes: 7

The Beginning of a Beautiful Realization

Sammie D.

27 Nov, 2011 04:21 PM

In everyone's life, they want to learn to fall in love and feel like they are floating on air. I meet this one guy, David, in 9th grade. I'm not gonna type and say how he was so nice and so sweet and blah blah blah. He was not like the other guys, he wasn't with me because I was beautiful or because I was nice, and he was with me because he saw something in me no one else saw. He was religious and was a true believer in his religion. When I first meet him, he was that one guy no one wanted to date because of his weight, but underneath him, there was this amazing helpful person. Through my middle school years, I went through a lot of drama, not so much social drama though. I had my hamster die, my grandpa, my great great aunt, my... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Unloved, Breakup, Cheated
Votes: 6

What is forever?


12 Dec, 2011 07:00 PM

Feb. 28 2010. The day we first met. I was dumped by a jerk that day. His best friend, David came and comfort me, thinking I was actually sad that jerk dumped me. He dumped me for a girl who's much "Hotter" David was mad at him saying that how could he dump a girl who much more caring, sweet, and kinder just for a "hotter" girl. And that broke their friendship. That day we ended up talking and talking, slowly I started to really liked him. I asked for his number and chat online. We don't see each other much, so we chat online a lot. One day he asked me out, dumping a girl who cheated on him many times. I was happy, overjoyed cause by that time, I fallen for him. Brown hair, hazel eyes, and amazing voice to match that smile of his. We both loved... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 4

I Wish...


11 Dec, 2011 07:28 PM

Jami's Diary 8th Grade Year I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Today I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole 8th grade class ,and the world. Jenny was her name, when i asked she spoke like an angel. I wish I could tell her how I feel... 12th Grade Year (Prom) I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Me and Jenny talked today. She really loves her boyfriend. They broke up and I had to comfort her after prom. She told me i was the best friend on the planet. I wish I could tell her how I feel... College Sophomore Year I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Jenny has grown even more beautiful if that's even possible. I saw her at a party with Derek. My heart sank, she was happy as ever. We... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Missing, Death, Heartbroken
Votes: 599

When Sadness Reaches Critical


07 Dec, 2011 04:28 PM

We started talking when he moved to our school. He was so sweet to her, they texted for hours and hours, everything was going good. She had told her friends about their love for each other, about how great everything was going. One day he came up to her. "Okay, I really like this girl, and I can't stop thinking about her," the girls heart started to pound and her palms started to sweat. All she could think was, 'this is me.' "Go on," she said, her cheeks hot. "And well, I want to be her boyfriend," he smiled. "And?" "She's so beautiful. I really like her.." "Who is it?!" "Renee, could you give me her number?" "Oh. Um, sure. I'll text it to you later." The girl ran to the bathroom and started to cry. Renee, her best friend had stolen him away. How could this happen. She stared... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Broken, Betrayal, Depression, Heartbroken, Hurt, Lost, Lonely, Love, Pain, Sadness, Secret, Death
Votes: 49

Aly's Song


22 Nov, 2011 10:12 AM

This story isn't solely about love. The following story is not about loss. It's not a tragedy or a romance. Rather, it's all of the above. I had done something terrible one day that had forced me to move out of my home. I moved in with my grandparents who had agreed to take me in. I didn't know the neighborhood, the school district, or anyone within twenty miles of me. I had never felt more alone in my life. I started going to Grissom Middle School that August. My reputation as a fighter and a hothead had followed me up from my old school. My peers tantalized and antagonized me to the point where I would've given my legs to have a fully loaded gun. One day, while I was home, I decided to go for a walk. All of the hostility I faced at school didn't exist in... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Death, Friendship, Heartbroken, Memories, Missing
Votes: 20