Showing sad stories for tag "Heartbroken"

letting go of my love


17 Nov, 2011 01:28 AM

my love story is just like others but i still wanted to share it though. i have a fantastic best friend since young, we're like sisters. we loved each other that we can't live a minute staying away with each others. when we are in college, we enrolled in the same university, one day while having a late dinner in our favorite restaurant i bumped to a guy, the first time i saw him i know at that very moment that i like him. just to make the story short after that incident we became friends, i found him Intelligent, handsome, talented and funny, i fell in love with him we became attached to each others until one day, the worst day of my life he asked my best friend for a date what hurts more is my best friend said yes. i felt like dying at that very moment,... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad, Broken Hearted, Heartbroken
Votes: 3

First Love


04 Nov, 2011 06:31 AM

Before sharing this story with all readers, I want to assure everyone that every detail in this story is 100% real and factual, hence while it may not be as tragic or coincidental as other stories, it reflects the pain and suffering love brings to us on an every day basis in real life. And, lastly, THANK YOU so much for reading this. PART 1: How we met I made it through elementary school, high-school, and half of college without having met someone I would consider the ONE, my soul mate, or anything else along those lines. Don't get me wrong, I've had crushes every now and then, some of which even ended up becoming really serious and deep, but nothing could compare to the day I met her. It was a late summer night, me and my best friend were waiting at the bus stop in downtown (on a... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Unloved, Hurt, Pain, Heartbroken
Votes: 12

A Tear For A Broken Heart


25 Aug, 2011 09:47 AM

Isn't it funny how at some points in your life, you think that everything is going so perfectly well and yet it always ends up badly? You spend hours trying to figure out why you're doing it all wrong all the time, why you always end up broken. You must be doing something wrong, obviously. It is said that through life, you make mistakes, time passes and you eventually learn from them. In my case, it's the total opposite. I keep making mistakes yet I never learn. What is a tear? Is it just a drop of water which comes out of our eyes? Is it just a drop of water gliding down the aisle of our cheek to reach the chin? Is it just a drop of water which escapes for freedom and takes the plunge of death from our chin till it hits the floor? Or is it... [Read More]

Tags: Tears, Heartbroken
Votes: 39

I can't do this on my own.

Sophie Caruso

19 Aug, 2011 12:00 AM

I keep telling myself that it all happened for a reason. I'm the person that I am today because of them. If that all hadn't happened, I wouldn't have the outlook on the world that I do. I keep saying it happened for the better as painful as it all is but, I need to face it... This was never what I wanted. This was never what I asked for. They were the people that were keeping me alive each day. I gave up so much for them and we made some of the best memories together. They introduced me to new things and made me so much more confident. I really couldn't thank them enough for that. I didn't know that it was only going to last for that short period of time though. I honestly thought that it was all going to be my forever. But they all... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Heartbroken, Hurt, Tears, Cruel, Alone
Votes: 5

Don't Forget Me


09 Aug, 2011 04:21 PM

As the car made contact with my fragile body, all our memories passed by my eyes. I didn?t think about the pain. I thought about the things I would miss: My High School graduation, getting married, having children. And then, I thought about you. Your smile, your soft hair, the sound of your laugh. All of that would be gone, out of my reach, but the memories will never fade. I will never forget you. You will eventually move on, but all I ask from you, is remember me. Remember our good times, and remember our bad times. Remember our fights, and remember our apologies. My body lands in a heap on the side walk. Blood forms a pool around me. I hear screams from all directions. The car swerves and hits a tree. The driver, injured and clearly intoxicated, stumbles out of the car to my side. ?I?m so... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Car Accident, Heartbroken, Love, Pain
Votes: 62

Iric Dubblin


26 Jul, 2011 06:22 AM

Here's my story .. On that very fateful day, me and my friends were talking about boys .. Then my friend, Kat decided to prank call some guy .. at 1st i ignored her praises ti him such as : He"s hot blabla .. And that fateful moment, she used my phone .. without my permission .. I was furious with her .. he pranked call that guy like a million times .. telling him lies and stalking him .. i begin to feel guilty .. after all its my number .. so i decided to tell him that it wasn't me who always pranked call me, it was my friend .. He was a bit shocked, but he suddenly asked who i am .. so i told him my name was Stephanie .. And he just said this words that absolutely made me blush: "Wow, nice name .. oh... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Lost, Missing
Votes: 5

I can't let go


21 Jul, 2011 11:22 PM

We were too young for loves I thought, I never really thought about boys until Jay attends my church he came in with his big brown eyes that could make any girl tremble. We were only 8 years old and it was summer where we would have a program for our church and he happen to come too, I never really noticed him, to me he was cocky and a show off he tried to impress me with running really fast and showing me how athletic he was but he noticed that I wasn't impressed. At the same time he realized I was athletic as well so we competed against each other sometimes we were on the same team. As years went on I started to see how immature he was becoming until I heard him sing it was like heaven on earth as if I was falling in love... [Read More]

Tags: Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 10



18 Jul, 2011 06:43 AM

Hey there! I?m here trying to share a story of an unnoticed love. To start everything, I?m 17 years old, being in dull relationship twice (hehe), and I can say, I?m not new anymore on the ways of love because somehow, I have a bit of understanding of it. UNNOTICE LOVE? Yes, I have these strange feelings towards a guy. He is an upper class student, cute and a bit mysterious. I never expected to feel like this while I?m here in this school. Well, because I entered a university which I thought all the guys studying here are all weird. Not really, I mean this school are for smart students and I really don?t know why I able to passed the entrance examination. It all started when I was forced to get up early before 7 when my class was supposed to be 9 AM. We are required to... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken
Votes: 3

Love Mistaken


02 Jun, 2011 01:34 PM

I and Jin are best friends. one day i found out that i loved him. one night when we here camping out with our friends i told him i loved him. we went out like any other couples would. walking on the beach,watching movies, eating together, etc... everyday jin would give me a teddy bear. i thought it was sweet at first but then i started to think what it was for. Then one day walking back from school i saw jin and another girl. I walked past them and i heard Jin say " I love you" to the girl. I ran home crying and i was so mad! that night he came to my house giving me a teddy bear. i asked him why he never told me he loved me. he said nothing. he left and i threw the bear against the cupboard so enraged. we met... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Mistaken, Heartbroken, Remorse
Votes: 16

Love me or be yesterday..

Katlego Mabale

12 May, 2011 11:28 AM

Love me or be yesterday Boy I know when we started going out there?s some things u never told me, see we had a lot of things we need to discuss, I know I was asking for a lot but you should have just trusted me. See the things we were dingo started to feel uncomfortable, sneaking around and creeping around... See boy I couldn't wait to be officially yours, I couldn?t wait to tell them about us. I mean first I thought I could take it but baby, but now I don?t know, you told me you were going to her for me long ago. Don?t tell me not to say when I want to give up, I mean when I call you, you don?t want to hang up but you don?t wanna leave her for me. Boy I can?t any longer. Sorry but I have to make you... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Broken, Heartbroken
Votes: 1