Showing sad stories for tag "sad"


Princess Manabat

15 Feb, 2013 04:59 AM

We met in grade 2. I didn't really cared back then about him. Our parents became family friends in an instant. Our houses weren't that far. And we were invited to their parties. It was until grade 4, I started to notice him more. My friend, Carrie, had a crush on him. She introduced me to him around the end of gr.3. That was when I really started to take interest. After Christmas break, in the grade 4 year, my friend Carrie just kept talking about how awesome he is and such things. During those talks, I developed feelings for him for the first time. We got to know each other since our families were close friends. We were like BFF's. We played outside, everyday during summer with other friends. But that relationship didn't last very long. Grade5, he knew that I had a crush on him. So we started... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, True Story, Heartbreaking, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 5

A hot summer morning......


12 Feb, 2013 09:52 AM

It was a hot summer morning; I woke up feeling dizzy and stressed out. I was not in the mood for work, so I decided to take a one day leave. But I don’t want to spend the whole day staying at home and lying in my bed. I wanna go somewhere, somewhere where I know I can find peace. So, I jumped out of bed, took a shower, put on my comfortable clothes, my favorite shoes, put on my makeup and I am ready to go. I hit the road to visit my significant other… so excited at last I finally have time to be with him. It may be a good time to patch things up...we are on rocks this past days. When I finally arrive at their house, there was his little sister standing in the front door. So I smiled at her and asked where her... [Read More]

Tags: Betrayal, Love, Life, Unloved, Cheated, Sad, Hurt, Memories
Votes: 8

True But Sad Love


07 Feb, 2013 12:50 PM

It had been raining for more than a week, so much rain it made everyday seemed so restless and gloomy. She called and said she was coming up. It was the third time she came up to see me that week. I carried her excuse of why she came all the way here and went to meet her at the nearby seven-eleven. She was standing there alone, carrying her red umbrella. Her friend had dropped her off. It was raining and she was shivering. She looked weak and fragile in the harsh rain, wearing not enough to keep her warm. She said, "I miss you." I told her coldly, "Lets go, I'll take you home." She did not open up her umbrella, I knew she wanted to share mine. I said, "Open up your umbrella, let's go." Unwillingly, She opened up her umbrella and walked with me to the car.... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, True, Death, Separation, Cancer, Pain, Tears, Sad
Votes: 106

Walking through a thin lane...


07 Feb, 2013 11:46 AM

It's really very difficult to move forward when you are not sure which path to take...Life sometimes plays with us like that. My story starts with a fine and cold morning of winter. I was then 11 and he was probably 15. I used to go for a walk in early morning, and he used to go to his coaching classes at that time. Every day we saw each other, he was very sad for that he had to wake up in the early morning to join the boring classes, I was very happy as I could roam here and there, enjoy the beauty of nature. My school started from 10'o clock in the morning and his from the same time. Perhaps we were in the same school, he was in the boys' section and I was in girls'. We saw each other while going to school, in the school... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Moment, Smell, Death, Sad, Lost, Missing, Memories
Votes: 8

The Day When I Will See You Again

Faliha Ishma

07 Feb, 2013 09:29 AM

I had a best friend. He's a guy. We knew each other when we were still very young, about 2 years old. Well, our mothers were best friends. That's why I knew him, because our mothers were very close. I loved talking to him. He's like a big brother to me. I was always counting on him, on whatever. He treated me well. He encouraged me when I felt sad and devastated. He hugged me when I cried. He laughed with me when I felt happy. He fought with guys who made fun of me, or even made me cry. I just loved him so much. We did everything together. We played anything, we laughed at each other, we argued sometimes, but those arguments were just made our bonds even stronger. But, when we became teenagers, our feelings changed. Well, I still felt the same about him. But, I knew... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Love, Lonely, Hurt, Sick, Best Friend, Death, Sad
Votes: 74


deeanna braaten

31 Jan, 2013 04:28 PM

All I could ever want, I had it at one point in my life, but I just cant remember when. I don't know if my mom was just telling stories, or the truth. I don't know if she was just trying to make me feel better by telling me that my life was great once. I had good grades then. I didn't lie, or steal, or hurt those I loved. My mom calls it being innocent. I call it a wish, a dream, something that I wish I could be. When I was 12 I loved someone every much, but he didn't love me. He loved my auntie,and my best friend in the hole world. He tried to lie to me every day by telling me things like how he would merry me when I was old enough, and even give me the gift of bearing his child. I believed... [Read More]

Tags: Pain, Anger, Drama, Love, Cut, Sad
Votes: 9

I'm lost...

Purple Shadow

29 Jan, 2013 02:16 PM

Happiness wasn't meant for me...I hate my life and I didn't want to hate myself,but I ended up like that,anyway. My mother moved far away because of her job and now I live with my father, who is nuts. Seriously,he needs to go see a psychologist or something!!! He has a very serious problem with his nerves. But I have a serious problem,too...I am bipolar and I have depression. But I can't help it...What would YOU do if your life sucked like mine does? Yes,you heard me:my life sucks. HARD...Every day I hear these cheerful people say that they love everything and that if I want my life to change, I should be grateful for some things... But how can I be grateful when THERE'S NOTHING to be grateful for? My life isn't satisfying at all. I'm ugly as hell, unpopular, a complete idiot and so lazy that I can't... [Read More]

Tags: Life, Comfort, Lost, Sad, Alone, Depression
Votes: 8

Surviving Love...


30 Jan, 2013 04:34 AM

I was running through the dark streets, barely seeing where I was going. The cold air was practically choking me while I breathed. I knew that I might not be on time but I also knew that if I didn’t try and get there, that I would be haunted of the memory forever. The man I loved needed me. I had received a call that he was going into cardiac arrest and this might be the last day his heart beats. At first I thought they were joking—but when they put Damen on the phone I knew that they were right. I barely recognized his voice, as if he had drunk too much Cough Syrup. I was about to ask him if he was okay when suddenly he screamed dropping the phone. No one bothered to pick it up, so I could hear their voices in the background, shouting orders.... [Read More]

Tags: Grief, Pain, Love, Loss, Dreams, Death, Sad, Tears, Lost
Votes: 57

The Little Boy, Little Girl, and The Man

Sydney Chalmers

04 May, 2013 12:30 PM

Once, there was a little girl and a little boy. They met in kindergarten. They grew up together. He would push her on the swings. They would sit at lunch together. They would play basket ball together they were what everyone called "perfect" they thought they had it all. Then the boy realized when he saw she had bruises, she was in so much pain. He would always ask where they came from and she could only say "If I tell you my daddy said something very bad will happen to me" so the little boy told her "I will protect you" so she told him "My daddy hits me because I'm not good enough" and the little boy cried while the little girl told him not to shaking his arm. The teacher came over and so he wouldn't get in trouble she told the teacher. The little girl got... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hurt, Memories, Sad
Votes: 4

Letter to You


29 Jan, 2013 05:12 AM

Dear You, Stay, stay, please do. Don't leave me! Don't leave by your own hand. Please don't! That's the worst way to go, going because of you. I just found you, it hasn't even been a month, and you're leaving. Just... Like... That.... You brought me so many smiles, so many tears, so many moments that will only be remembered in memories. I don't care if you think you're ugly, you think you're weird, society's monster, all that bull. I don't care. To me, you're beautiful, completely amazing, the perfect friend. You were my everything. Were....Don't leave! Please, stay. Stay for just a minute, two minutes, forever. Fate is in your hands, don't do it. Please don't! .... Time was so short, so short, too short. I made the most out of our moments, every second. Every word you said, I held on, like a desperate child clinging to mother's... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Letter, Tragic, Suicide, Gone, Love, Pain
Votes: 4