Showing sad stories for tag "sadness"

I can't settle for a maybe


09 Jun, 2012 06:17 AM

Well to start out, I'm 19 now and worked EMS and while I did I started to notice this girl more and more until the point we met up one night. When we met up everything had to be on the down low. But we sat and talked for hours upon hours laughing and having a good time. This girl was 20 years older than myself but age doesn't matter to me. So meeting up became pretty regular. Talking on the phone all the time texting, I was really starting to like her by now. We would drive out back roads and sit and talk and listen to the radio. When I'd look in her eyes I'd get lost and just the way she smiled, laughed, would tickle me and mess around I loved it. Being around her was starting to be a part of my routine. Now she had... [Read More]

Tags: Deep Depression, Still Messed Up, Pain, Unloved, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 6

Why did you leave me?


06 Jun, 2012 05:22 PM

My aunt Connie ...It was one rainy day. I couldn't bare not to cry. She was everything to me, she was my life, my sunshine that kept me going. I need her. She was my inspiration. I loved her so much. Now on this rainy day, she got sick. Not just any kind of sick, but a virus. My uncle thought it was just a cold. Until she started acting like she was two years old. Then he took her to the doctor. He said that she had a virus but they couldn't find out what it was. Or what was causing it. The last time I saw her, was right before she got sick. Now it's September and she isn't doing very well. She has been in and out of the hospital for day and weeks. My mom has been going to see her daily to make sure she... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Sorrow, Love, Separated, Sadness
Votes: 9

Secret Love for my dear friend :'(


31 May, 2012 08:59 AM

Hi please read this story, it's a bit long but when you read it I know you can relate with it..The story starts during our first year High School day. It was our first day of class during first year high school day when I first met him, I keep on staring at him and I never saw him glance at me even once. Everyday in our high school days was fun and exciting for me, there was a time when our teacher assigned us to our permanent sitting arrangement, He was on my side and I was on his side too. He smiled at me and talked to me, he keeps on saying things that I never knew he will share it with me, we laugh together as if we were the only person inside the classroom, honestly, I never expected that to happen. As day goes by the... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Friendship, Heartbroken, Hurt, Sadness
Votes: 20

Please wake up.


27 May, 2012 11:09 PM

It was a Tuesday, the day it happened. The day I made the biggest mistake of my life. It happened when me and my beloved wife Olivia got into an argument and even threw around the word divorce. Which now breaks my heart from all we had been through of a 16 year relationship, a 11 year marriage, and having an 8 year old beautiful daughter named Sarah. When I first met Olivia it was love at first sight and from there on out we were never apart. So now thinking about this fight brings me to tears. Sarah who had been listening to the whole fight and couldn't bare to hear it especially after hearing the word divorce made her start bursting into tears in her room. Once I had enough of the argument I barged out and just before I slammed the door shut I heard my daughter... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Suicide, Pain, Depression, Death, Sadness
Votes: 137

I've missed him ..


21 May, 2012 12:05 AM

All this time, years apart ..I've missed his smile, the way he used to make me laugh just by being there, the way he made me fall in love with him without a single effort this is the only thing he was good at. Circumstances were tough and I could't be with him but also couldn't forget him. I've tried so many times but can't get him out of my mind cause every single detail in my daily life reminds me of him. Sometimes I pretend being assertive and try to move on with my life but in vain. He has never told me he loved me but somehow my love for him grows everyday.. I always wonder what he is doing? who is he with? does he even miss me? these questions are killing me , his absence is killing me but I just can't call him and say... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Lonely, Missing, Hurt, Breakup, Heartbroken, Sadness, Alone
Votes: 12

The Feeling Inside


02 May, 2012 04:16 PM

There's a feeling inside me that makes me sad. It's called heartbreak. I used to be able to fall asleep at night without thinking of anyone. I used to be able to sleep without dreaming. I used to be able to sleep through a whole night without waking up. All those days were before I met you, before I broke your heart and mine all at the same time. Now I think of you before I sleep, I dream about you now and then, and almost every night I wake up at some point and get that super sad feeling. That feeling let's me know that I'm still missing you. Every damn day. I keep hoping for something that will never happen. I still want something I will never have. I have to move on, but moving on is so hard when you can't let go. And I'm still holding... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreak, Sad, Waiting, Missing, Breakup, Sadness
Votes: 12

Imagine being in her shoes.


02 May, 2012 12:46 AM

Okay, so I heard about this story from my mom because this includes her friends daughter. Anyways, there were these 2 girls Rachel and Miranda (made up for their sake) and they were juniors in high school. They were in the top 5% of their class. Miranda being involved in dance and all kinds of sports, and with Rachel being involved in chorus, band, and student council they were 2 very well known girls. Everyone talked to them and none was mean and or hated them. One day Miranda and Rachel decided to tell everyone their little secret that was just between them. They thought that because this was such a good year they can come out of the closet now. So they did, but they made sure that everyone knew they didn't like each other, they just liked girls. People started giving these girls mean looks, talking about them... [Read More]

Tags: ACCEPTANCE, SUICIDE, Sad, Love, Unloved By Society, Sadness
Votes: 5

last moment with my DAD ;(

frecy maydeen

24 Apr, 2012 04:56 AM

On June 18, 2005, my life changed drastically, not for the better or worse but changed. As I go on to tell you my story you’re going to wonder how I can’t say for the worse, but I hope by the end you will understand. The day started out like any other day, got ready to go to work, and then had to stop by my dad’s girlfriend’s house to copy some things for my pre-school class. The phone then began to ring but I didn't answer it, the answering machine then answered the call and the message began. Little did I know that this message would be the beginning of a change in my life. As I stood making copies, my dad’s voice spoke on the answering machine stating that he was having a stroke and needed help. I then answered told my dad I was on my way... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Missing, Sadness
Votes: 21

My Best Friend, My Love


21 Apr, 2012 10:56 PM

I sit next to you at lunch, my best friend, and enjoy every second of our time together. When you leave us, I have no reason to stay and socialize with the others in our group. I sit at home, waiting excitedly to get a text back from you, not caring how long it takes you to reply. When you don’t, I shrug and wait anticipatingly for the next time we talk. I go on facebook, coming to your profile. When I see your picture, I think of how lucky I am to call you my friend. I think about you as my mind wanders. When I think about our friendship, I realize my feelings for you. I curse myself for falling for my best friend. When I see you again, however, I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I talk to you about our plans. When we come up... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Best Friend, Wedding, Sadness, Not Fair, Death, Unspoken Love
Votes: 9

I could never tell him.....


07 Apr, 2012 10:40 PM

I could never tell how much I loved him.......... It has been almost 3 years now ..... I still have not been able to tell him how much I have loved and still love him. Now it is coming to an end, he will move in two months .... 2009 during the autumn the year I started studying at university, that's when everything started. I saw him in the school cafe he passed by me with his tea in his hand. I stopped and watched him constantly, in seconds and I felt that he will be the guy I will love for the rest of my life, I felt that my heart was going to stop, it was like love at first sight ..... The days weeks and months passed, one day when me and my friends were over a coffee in a cafe, I saw him come in and... [Read More]

Tags: Unspoken Love, Sad, Silent Pain, Suffering, Hurt, Sadness
Votes: 8