Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

The Missing Rib


10 Jan, 2013 11:28 AM

A girl in love asked her boyfriend. Girl: Tell me. Who do you love most in this world? Boy: You, of course! Girl: In your heart, what am I to you? The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said, "You are my rib. Every man has been searching for his missing rib, only when you find the woman of your life, you'll no longer feel the lingering ache in your heart." After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life for a while. However, the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never-ending worries of daily problems, their life became mundane. All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to gnaw away their dreams and love for each other. The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became more... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Breakup, Hurt, Separation, Missing, Dea, Pain, Sad
Votes: 7

The Oblivious


09 Jan, 2013 06:37 AM

I suppose in my life, I've been pretty lucky. I live in a house, I have dogs and friends and I go to school. Yet, as many people do, I looked for more. I yearned for danger and not the infinity of routine. A boy met me, and I met him. The next 5 years were hectic because we were oblivious to the fact that we were not a compatible couple, or even friends really. We were destructive and abusive in so many ways. We were never even officially a couple, we were people who loved each other but couldn't stand commitment. He fell in love with another woman, I fell in love with another man. We drifted after awhile, though I should have seen love cannot drift so easily, but I was naive. Even though we saw other people, we still loved each other. By coincidence we saw each... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Girl, Boy, Depression, Murder, Drugs, Sad, Homeless, Heartbreak, Love, Hate, Memories
Votes: 15


Jason Rhoades

08 Jan, 2013 10:53 AM

It’s dark. He lays alone in bed, wide awake, staring at the empty ceiling above him. His chest tightens as it breaks out in gooseflesh. He sighs, wanting to feel warm. But not the warmth of a blanket, the warmth of another is what he desires. To feel ones arms lay across his bare chest, to have the pressure of a cheek lying on his shoulder exhaling warm air on his neck. He longed for that feeling he once had. Sighing again, his eyes flash to the clock on the wall, 2:09. He missed her touch, her warmth, her breath. She had left him and he hadn’t stopped loving her, and now he lies wanting to feel her against him again, to feel together, needed, and even loved. He turns away from the ceiling and his desires, but to no avail. Missing the color of her lips, the smoothness of... [Read More]

Tags: Night, Memories, Love, Missing, Lonely, Sad, Breakup
Votes: 6



06 Jan, 2013 10:10 AM

I want to tell everyone, that we must think and decide everything better and think about the affect that will happen in the future. Because one day we will regret what we have chosen and I fell in the same mistake over and over again, and believe me, never hurt anyone you love because karma does exist. I was a playgirl back then, I never cared with boy's feelings when I suddenly told them to "breakup". But one day my friend introduced me to a cute decent boy. My friend told me I should stop messing around with boy's feelings, and stand only for one boy. My new journey started on cold winter. He was the smartest boy I've ever met, glasses and sparkling eyes made me drown into him. It was hard to convince him to be my boyfriend but finally he fell for me too.He helped me in... [Read More]

Tags: Break Up, Heartbroken, Playgirl, Cheated, Lies, Unloved, Betrayal, Sad, Hurt
Votes: 8

Another Story to Read

Miss C.

05 Jan, 2013 06:34 AM

It has been a while since I last thought of the first love I've ever had. But here I go again, regressing to a period in my life that I should just get over and accept! For some reason though, I can't. Not fully anyway. My thoughts wander back to him, just as a child wanders away from its parents and into a candy store. However, I want to tell my story. So here it goes! My first love (for reference sake let's call him MAN.I know, I have no creativity.) caught my eye sophomore year in high school. He was immensely tall- 6foot 1'- had lovely hazel eyes, and cute shaggy brown hair. Little did he know that I planned to win his affection and become his girlfriend. It was my hero's quest, and I was determined to fulfill my destiny! I had never wanted a boyfriend before. I... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Best Friend, Sad, True Story, Dream, Broken, Heartbroken
Votes: 13

Deception in His Hands


02 Jan, 2013 06:21 AM

She's 17; we'll put together, open minded, responsible, well respected, always happy, never wore her emotions on her sleeve, liked by everyone and easy going. Him, 19; drug inflicted, careless for others, selfish, a natural liar, and ironically likable. How they met was rather average. He is friends with her older brother. He told her brother that He thought She was beautiful when He saw Her coming home from school one fall afternoon. She over heard them discussing about Her. He was saying flattering things about Her. She wasn't sure what to think. Was He being serious? Did He just want to score? Either way She had to find out. A few days passed and He gets Her number and starts texting Her. Sounding quite interested via text, She begins to adore Him and His charming choices of compliments. She's not sure if She should tell Him how She feels.... [Read More]

Tags: Liar, Deceiver, Betrayal, Men, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 2

my life so far

clay lenderman

03 Jan, 2013 04:38 AM

I was born the third of three children and the only boy. My mother had my sister when she was 18. My mother started leaving at night and staying out until morning according to my father and so they divorced when I was about 2 but they kept trying at it even after that until I was around 5. After they ended it for good we lived at my dads parents home for a while until he had secured him his own home in which we could live in. We lived with our mom while my dad figured out his living situation. While there she married a man named Kenneth. He was stern and sometimes would abuse my mother and myself and my sisters. My oldest sister got into a fight with him one night and moved out to my dads house after Kenneth slapped her across the face. My... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Death, Suicide, Alone, Sad, Family, Love
Votes: 6

My best friend ignores me

Johan Pisang

31 Dec, 2012 11:19 AM

Hi, all of you! I am a sensitive guy, living in Stockholm. I joined here because I want to talk about something that is too embarrassing to talk about with any of my friends. I am so sad! The Christmas was past and I hadn't hear anything from my best friend for weeks. Not a sms, not an e-mail and not a message at Facebook. She didn't even called me to thank for the Christmas gift I sent to her, but she has taken her time to both write and call others. I know that because they told me. It was so embarrassing. The following nights I cried rivers of tears when I realized that my beloved little friend ignores me again, after all I have done for her. This is not the first time she act like this. I often use to be the last thing in her priorities,... [Read More]

Tags: Best Friend, Heartbroken, Unloved, Sad, Hurt
Votes: 6

Lonely and Emotionless


28 Dec, 2012 01:21 PM

The boy was known to date many girls. The girl was pursued by many boys only to reject them. He was afraid of being lonely, and she was afraid of feeling emotion. Initially, they were not the most compatible match. They were friends who secretly disliked each other, but that soon changed when he didn't show up to school for quite a while. She realized his foolish jokes were the reason she laughed, and he realized that ugly face was sweet and caring. When he came back they engaged in conversation, finally warming up to each other. But the next day, they completely ignored one another. He was confused if she liked him or not, and she was nervous. The following day, the girl mastered up all of her courage and hugged him. "It's your welcome back hug," she muffled into his jacket. Only two days later did the shy... [Read More]

Tags: Cheated, Heartbreak, Break Up, Love, Sad, Emotions
Votes: 9

Diary of a growing boy

Nathan Jacobs

26 Dec, 2012 02:09 PM

The only story I'll ever tell will be my own, the way I felt and never could tell..............(this is written right out of my brother journal, my brother always wanted to publish his life story) If only one second I could take back it could have changed my life and I would have changed it a million times over. the day when I realized its to late. I start this story at the age of 10, I didn't want to go to school like always but only for the soul purpose to not get into some sort of trouble with teachers and students alike. My mom couldn't handle me and my step dad only knew to beat me when nothing else he could do would help. My grandparents took me away and said not another day will I live with all my family again. Not realizing what I had just... [Read More]

Tags: Lonley, Confused, Boy, Death, Unloved, Missing, Sad, Suicide, Family
Votes: 3