Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

A tragic story of two orphans

Georgina Martin-Gentleman

27 Dec, 2012 12:48 PM

The story begins with an 8 year old boy called Kevin who was part of a strict but loving family of four including, of course, Kevin. His parents whom he loved dearly were called Susan and Adam. They had - much to Kevin's dislike - a six year old daughter called Lilly. Lilly loved her brother and knew deep down Kevin loved her as well. Then on the 5th January 2005 the family decided to go out for a drive and watch the sunset, little did they know that this drive would turn into a blood bath of misery. The family were so happy singing away merrily to the radio, then suddenly another car swerved and crashed into them, then the car started to spin. The children thought it would never stop. Eventually it stopped. Kevin heard his sister crying and crawled his way over to her to see if... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Family, Sad, Brother, Love, Separation
Votes: 14

The Betrayed Dog


22 Dec, 2012 06:25 AM

Once upon a time, there was a man named Rick who had just graduated college and was trying to find love. He was a virgin at 25, didn't have many friends, and rented a house out in Northern New Jersey. He was facing depression from being new in the area, not having a girlfriend or sex life, and his mother had recently passed. Everyday he would sit at home and work all day on his laptop trying to manage an at home wedding planning business. One day when he was off, he decided to get himself some company. He went to the local shelter to see if they had any pets that fit his criteria and needs. They had only one mid sized, friendly, in good health dog left. He was a collie and his name was Samson. Samson was everything Rick had ever wanted. He was accepting, cuddly, and... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Sad, Dog, Betrayed, Unloved, Animal
Votes: 28

Two years of lies


22 Dec, 2012 05:50 AM

It seems as if everybody is always happy around you, but you're the only person who seems to be depressed. I was the type of girl who didn't need anybody to reply on too. I didn't need anybody to make me happy. I didn't mind staying home by myself. As I became older and watched movies it seem to be that relationships were the key to happiness. All I wanted to do was feel loved. It seemed like all my friends were in love and happy. I understand that we're still young and have our whole life ahead of us, but when someone makes you feel wanted, it's one of the best feelings. I met a guy on MySpace, and corny as it sounds that was the thing back then. He said he saw me at school and I caught his eye. He's was a year older then me, and... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sadness, True Story, Cheater, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Depressed, Betrayed, Unloved, Pain
Votes: 28

Last love

Mei Mei

18 Dec, 2012 03:24 PM

It started when I was in senior high. My class consisted only 16 students. I was an introverted, shy girl. Nobody talked to me as I never gave them a chance to get close to me. I was never interested in any kind of relationship. Whenever it gets to a group work, nobody wants me. All I do was to wait if a group lacks member. Even when my classmate made fun of me, I kept quiet. I once told myself that I should no longer be an introverted girl, yet I don't know why I can't. One day, a new boy called Jack entered my class. He was fat ass, dorky. I believed he would be no different from me. However, he was actually outgoing, nice and smart boy. He was kind to everyone. He praises everybody, even me. He said, "Woah! I'm sitting next to a genius girl!"... [Read More]

Tags: Jealousy, Friendship, Sad, Love, Tragedy, Unloved, Heartbroken, Death, Tears
Votes: 18

That Girl.


18 Dec, 2012 01:19 AM

"Oh, Lena. I don't know how you do it. You're so strong all the time. I am not sure how you keep it together. Thank you so much for listening to me. It means the world to me." I'm the kind of girl that lives to make other people feel better about themselves, to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am the kind of girl that you will see jumping around singing at the top of my lungs during worship. I am the kind of girl that puts on a show. It started back in 6th grade. I'm 16 now, but December 4th, 2008, still haunts me. I was the nerdy, quiet girl. I was in band and it was the night of our very first concert. During 8th period we received a note saying the concert was now canceled due to "unforeseen circumstances."... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Self Harm, Hurt, Tears, Recovery, Sad, Depressed, Frustration
Votes: 6

The Outcast's Story

Lydia Jo

17 Dec, 2012 09:37 PM

High School, they say it is the best times of your life. They say you make friends and you find your own little place, and you walk on the path to the rest of your life. High School, they said it was such a glorious place. It looks so great on the television. They glamorize it and ignore those who are hurting. They ignore the outcasts. High School is great if you know what you want to do for the rest of your life. Too bad that's not me. I'm the type of girl who hates it here. I look different, I listen to non-mainstream music. I get weird looks, and people whisper. To them I look like a psycho who lost it. But the sad reality, I'm just like those judgmental people. I keep to myself now-a-days. I try to think of the happier days, the days when I... [Read More]

Tags: Bullied, Suicide, Hurt, Judged, Fitting In, Outcast, Sad, Alone, Depression
Votes: 6

Forever on my mind


17 Dec, 2012 07:26 PM

Hi, I'm Catherine and my story is about my ex and friend. So two years ago, I was new at a public middle school and I was going into 7th grade. This was the happiest year of my life so far even though I'm currently a freshman in high school right now. But that's not what this is about. So I met my first love and his name was Simon. I had the happiest times with him and he smashed my heart into millions of pieces when he dumped me. It took me a while but I got over him even though he is currently my best friend. A few months after my breakup with him, I met his friend, John, who was very sweet but a bit of a loose cannon and socially awkward to a lot of people. I kind of thought I liked John since he wasn't... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, True Story, Friend, Agony, Missing, Memories, Sad, Death
Votes: 8



15 Dec, 2012 08:20 AM

I'm hurt. I'm sad. I'm angry. I'm frustrated. I'm distressed. Unlike a lot of people, I have some friends that love and care about me and I have a somewhat amazing family. I guess the reason I feel like this is that its not enough for me. I have 2 TRUE friends that I know care about me and would be there for me if I really needed them. Is that enough? It could be. I have an amazing mom, who gives the most amazing hugs. Two brothers and a sister, who love me even if they don't show it. The reason that I am now 4 hours away from my favorite people is because of the stupid teenage drama, my stupid father and stupid liars. Drama is the friends who pretend to like you because you have a license. Drama is when people start fights over things that don't... [Read More]

Tags: Betrayed, Alone, Depressed, Sad, Love, Hurt, Family, Unloved
Votes: 7

A way with dreams


14 Dec, 2012 07:59 PM

First of all this isn't going to be the best, but I will try my best to explain everything and all the details. This may not be a very sad story but too me it's my story. Okay, so my life has always been good, at least to me it was. I had an amazing dad who I loved me more than anything else in the entire world. He meant everything to me, he was my best friend! Everyday I would sit on his lap and we would always watch TV, Sanford and son, blazing saddles and more, but loved watching them with him. I was a huge daddy’s girl like most girls, I was his little girl and I always was. We had money, we weren't rich or anything but everyday we would go out and eat. He was a firemen, been there for over 17 years and... [Read More]

Tags: Dad, Left, Unloved, Memories, Father, Sad, Missing
Votes: 8

A Masked Story

Ornob Repon

12 Dec, 2012 03:47 PM

A 13 year old girl leading a normal life in a middle school where everyone was fake. No one cared about the good things in your life...just the bad. I met you there. You were with her when I met you. I thought of you as any other guy in the school. My best friend and I hung out with your girlfriend but you and I never talked. The first time we said hi to each other was just like anything else I've ever done. I didn't give it much thought. It was your last year...and we had only been talking for a couple months. I never imagined myself falling for you. We became best friends...We talked about anything and everything. Remember the nicknames? Monkey and Skittles...yeah, I remember. I remember the pain in your eyes when she broke up with you. I remember how bad I felt to see... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, Unloved, Cry, Lost, Alone, Missing, Breakup, Hurt, Pain
Votes: 6