Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Only Been Weeks


10 Dec, 2012 05:25 AM

It's only been weeks since I last saw him, but it feels like years. I can still remember his smile, like I saw it yesterday, but its only been weeks His name was James. Tall, athletic,class clown, and my heart throb. I spent sixth and seventh grade just staring at him, looking at him, and even stalking him on Facebook. Yeah, I admit it. Then high school came. I became taller, prettier, and louder. Finally, just finally, James started to notice me. It feels like it's only been weeks since he asked me out. We went to the beach, and dinner, it was pretty cool. No awkward moments or anything. Soon, we were joined at the hip. James and Arcana, James and Arcana, it was the perfect match. He was my best friend. No, more than that.We were the popular couple. Gossip went around about us, whispers about what we... [Read More]

Tags: Breakup, Moving On, True Story, Heartbroken, Love, Sad, Cry, Unloved
Votes: 15

Who cares

Sonia Blade

09 Dec, 2012 05:23 PM

Hi. Have you ever had that feeling that one day you're on top of the world? That you don't care what anyone says? Well I never ever ever had that feeling. I have always felt like nothing and nobody cares about me in the world. But who cares right? Always been the one who follows not leads. Always have to follow 'popular people' around and let them pick on me tell them I'm ugly and don't matter to the world. But who cares right? Even my family makes me feel like that. Be that one girl that puts a smile on her face every day and makes it look like shes having fun. I've never dated anyone, no one thinks I'm pretty. But who cares? Maybe if people start to get to now me they'll know I'm smart, I'm funny, and I'm nice. But no body gives me a chance.But... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Alone, Depression, Sadness, Lonely
Votes: 10

Found and Lost


08 Dec, 2012 06:26 PM

Well how is it that some people get lucky in their love and life ? I always had this question which could never be answered by many of them, some tried answering but I was never satisfied with it. How do I start the story? well I came across a girl name PIYA who was born and brought up as a boarder from her nursery days till she was done with her schooling, a girl who is quit a tom boy cause she was grown up with guys around her, a kid who always took a car over a doll, joyful kid you could say. As a kid PIYA always missed her mom and always wanted to live with her, Piya always wanted to live like any other family did but Piya said her life had planned something else for her, she has a brother who is 10 years younger... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Lost, Family, Unloved, Sad, Death, Love, Sadness, Life
Votes: 3

Immortal Heart


08 Dec, 2012 06:25 PM

I used to have a best friend. He was with me through thick and thin, through everything. His name was Seth. He was 19, and very kind to me. When I cried, he would comfort me. When I screamed, he'd fight away all my fears. We met in 3rd grade, and we instantly became good friends. It was in 3rd grade, October 15th and I was outside,playing in my mother's garden. She had died 6 weeks after my birth,and I was yearly allowed to be in her garden. I would chase butterflies, plant flowers, or just sit on the grass and read stories to my mother. I imagined her ghost lived in the garden. But,one day, I decided to be careless and climbed a tree. My father has always been fond of my mother's big oak tree, which has been around for 14 years. I knew it wasn't wise to... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Heartbreak, Tears, Anger, Illness, Love, Death, Sad
Votes: 21

I Lost My Heart To You


08 Dec, 2012 12:21 AM

It was when I was 12, and I met a boy named Ethan. He was very shy,and wouldn't talk much. Suddenly, he began to talk to me a little. He would talk to me more and more,with each passing day. We traded phone numbers, and we grew closer and closer. One night, he and I kissed for the very first time. It felt like a lovers paradise. 3 years passed (This current year) and we were closer then ever. 6 months ago,he grew shy again,and eventually we talked less and less. 3 months ago,he called me suddenly and asked me to meet him at the park. His voice sounded very rusty,and also very pained and weak. I agreed,and 2 hours later,i was sitting on a cold bench in the park. It was creeping closer to midnight, and I grew very tired of waiting. I also grew very hurt, since he... [Read More]

Tags: Lost Love, Heartbreak, Stabbed, Sadness, Sick, Love, Hurt, Memories, Sad
Votes: 10



05 Dec, 2012 10:26 AM

"--so perfect! The kiss accompanied by the fireworks, it was so beautiful and--" "I know, now can you please shut up? Someone's trying to study here," "Fine. I'm going out, do you need anything?" "No," Anne sighed as soon as her roommate left their room. Then suddenly, she broke, tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't stop them. "Why? Why?" She was there that night. She was there when they sealed their fates with a kiss. Normally, she wouldn't believe superstitious such as 'the person you shared a kiss with during THAT night will be the person you'll spend eternity with' but that happened to her parents and her other relatives. It was childish to say 'she was supposed to be the one holding hands with Zeke, she should have been the one who shared that kiss with Zeke' she should have been Zeke's best friend, scratch that,... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Lost, Life, Death, Tears, Kiss, Sick, Love, Unloved, Unspoken Love, Cancer, Cry
Votes: 16


Kimeca Donald

08 Dec, 2012 04:52 AM

There is a boy that really likes me. I like him too. He always tell me he wants to be my boyfriend but I keep telling no he can't. But he still insists. He didn't know I liked him and that's why he thinks I say no when he makes a preposition to be with me; And that is when I explained why we could not be together. I told him that I was in love with him and that I would willingly get into a relationship with him in a heartbeat but the problem is my dad. He got very vexed with me and stopped talking to me for a couple of days. My dad doesn't want me to have a boyfriend and if I get one he's going to kick me out of the house. If he kicks me out of the house my godfather would hurriedly take... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Depression, Waiting, Family, Sad
Votes: 3



05 Dec, 2012 03:27 AM

Nothing is worse than the loss of a friend. David was a sweeter boy than anyone would ever understand. From my light of my first love to the depths of heart break he was there for me, lifting me up and keeping me in check. His friendship lifted me when the depths of sadness chilled my heart, weighing it down in the most painful ways. I loved David with a love unconventional. I was 15 when I understood it and he was already in college. I didn't lust for him; I loved him more deeply than I ever will a significant other, but for different reasons. I loved David for his beautiful smile, his laughter. I loved when he lifted me onto his shoulders at fireworks and took me to the beach in the hot summers. I loved that he held me when I cried and laughed with me when... [Read More]

Tags: Death, True Story, Best Friend, Love, Grief, Sad, Unspoken Love, Sadness
Votes: 12

My soulmate


01 Dec, 2012 01:54 PM

I know you remember that cloudy day, on the muddy rivers edge, tangling and twisting our fingers around each others as we laughed, hugging as we rehearsed our true love vows to one another, and after we thought we had memorized them, we kissed and we pledged our promise to each other... voice heart soul life ...forever... slipping the broken halves of our Dime Store bought heart rings onto each others finger. We kissed and as we put our rings together and made one heart, I felt your sweet lips moving along mine, and in slow motion lip-braille, your lips kissed...*I love you* I look at the small tarnished ring I have kept all these years, reglueing the half heart back on, and even if it not fit, I still try to put it on.... trying so hard, pushing the ring as far as it can... [Read More]

Tags: Soulmate, Sad, Love, Promise, Separation, Death, Missing, True Love
Votes: 6

In the Waiting Process


30 Nov, 2012 10:52 AM

I was six years old when my beautiful baby brother was born. I wasn't an only child anymore and I was ecstatic! My mom was diagnosed with lung and ovarian cancer when he was only six months old. I never understood how dangerous that was back then. My mom would basically live at the hospital. I missed her but my grandma said it would make her better so I never complained. My dad was working two jobs trying to keep up with the hospital bills. When he wasn't working, he was at the hospital with my mom. I rarely ever saw either of them. My grandma would watch over my brother and I. She was old and couldn't do everything that a normal babysitter would. I took on the role. I basically raised my brother alone at the age of six. I changed diapers, put him to sleep, and soothed... [Read More]

Tags: Death, True Story, Sad, Brother, Love, Blame, Sister, Sadness
Votes: 8