Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Broken hearts and Stitches.


28 Nov, 2012 05:20 PM

Hello, this is my story. While growing up my mom was never around she was always working, I had no idea who my father was. He and my mom separated before I was born. I grew up with my 2 brothers, being bullied all the time my them. They always gave me demands and if I chose not to listen they'd hit me. This continued on for quite a while. I was always that girl who was by herself all the time. I used to watch all the other girls play with their friends and I thought to myself "why don't people like me?" A second grader should not be thinking about those kind of things. My mom always told me the most hateful things, things I can never forget. I used to sit there and cry for hours cause I was so miserable and my mom would tell me... [Read More]

Tags: Suicidal, Drugs, Lonely, True Story, Bullied, Rape, Broken, Sad
Votes: 12

My "One That Got Away"


26 Nov, 2012 06:38 AM

So, get this. I was sitting around my house, listening to sad songs that any other time would make me cry. Why did I want to cry? Because of the worst mistake I have ever made and how numb I had come to most everything in my life. Here is my story (perhaps it's not the saddest, but I think that maybe if I just tell someone I'll maybe be able to actually feel something again besides depression, and since I'm too embarrassed about it to tell anyone in public, why not tell people who have no idea who I am, right?) BEWARE: I'm Pouring my heart out right now so it will be long. Don't feel obligated to read it all. But if you do, I hope you learn from my mistake. So, I've always been a shy person, I'm not the popular kid at school. Don't get me... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Depression, Sad, Betrayal, Love, Long Distance, Hurt, Alone, Pain
Votes: 11

The last words with my brother


24 Nov, 2012 02:56 PM

It's been a while since I've experienced this. This happened in 2007, when I was Ten. My brother Chris was 18 at the time, and had lung cancer. He was growing weaker and weaker, he was coughing so much, and breathing was becoming hard for him. Very hard. On December 23rd 2007, 2 days before Christmas, I visited him in the Hospital. He was in the hospital because doctors expected him to pass very soon, and they didn't want him at home to die. Me and him acted very friendly towards each other. He acted like he had no cancer, and he was at home again. He laughed, he coughed, but suddenly he began to cry. He looked me right in the eye, and told me these words, the words that still haunt and make me cry to this day: "Rachel, I need you to know some things. No matter... [Read More]

Tags: Chris, Death, Sad, Cancer, Brother, Love, Missing, Memories, Sister, Sadness, Cry, Tears
Votes: 150

Empty me


24 Nov, 2012 09:15 AM

Some people believe in dreams,in wishes,in unconditional love or in love with the first sight. I used to be one of those people. But I'm not anymore. I used to live in a world full of magic a world that none can possibly hurt me. A world completely safe for me and my heart. I was a dreamer and none or nothing could take away my dreams ,my hopes. I was perfectly happy in this situation, I was perfectly safe. I was keeping my distance from everyone. I was building huge walls around me so none can come and get me from my world , my reality , my safety and then suddenly you show up. You brought confusion in my life. But it was a sweet confusion. We were having good time together. I shared my dreams, my hopes with you. And little by little you took everything from... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Depressed, Breakup, Love, Unloved, Alone, Sadness
Votes: 3



24 Nov, 2012 07:41 AM

Well I guess it all started off last year when my friend committed suicide. No one knew why and I blame myself completely as her best friend, I should have noticed but I didn't. Soon after my parents got divorced. For years the only thing I'd asked them is "will you ever get divorced" because I couldn't bear the thought of losing a family life and they always said "no" but I realize now that the answer was yes, they were just waiting until I was older. People say the older you are the more it affects you because you get so used to living as 1 family in that lifestyle. My mum says that they didn't divorce earlier because they thought it would hurt us more (us being my brother and I). My mum was wrong. I don't love my parents for the way they treat me, as a... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Depression, Unloved, Sad, Lonely, Alone
Votes: 6


Joanna Baily

23 Nov, 2012 11:36 PM

Its been a year. A whole year since I lost him. He was my everything. His name was John. Our relationship was exactly how I wanted it to be. We started out best friends. And that's all we ever wanted to be. Neither of us ever thought of turning it into more. It was on one Saturday night, we went to a party together, both of us were a little drunk. We were in high school, and one of our friends had the idea to act like little kids again and play spin the bottle. Why not? We had nothing to lose. We sat in a circle of course and took turns. We kept playing and we kept kissing whoever the bottle pointed too. With each guy I kissed, nothing. Not even a hint of a spark. Then, the bottle pointed towards Jon. I leaned in to kiss him. And... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Cheated, Heartbroken, Sad, Betrayed, Sadness
Votes: 12

My nightmare life.


23 Nov, 2012 11:34 PM

So, this is my life, my story and my pain. This isn't a love story or any of that stuff this is my story, my entire story. You the people reading this will know how it all started, and how it ended. This story is all true, nothing made up. I hope you learn some stuff from this story. It all started in middle school. I had a lot of cool, Truthful and Helpful friends, at least I thought I did. Until one day I started being blackmailed over Facebook, Still not exactly sure how he found me but he did. He put up pictures of me Naked... I was disgusted, sickened and mad. That's where stuff started getting bad. I started loosing all my respect, friends and everything. I moved schools, thought I'd be happy and not bullied anymore, Right???, Wrong. I started being blackmailed again, the man came... [Read More]

Tags: Bullying, Suicide, Blackmail, Hate, Depressed, Sad
Votes: 12



22 Nov, 2012 07:09 AM

So I was 14 I know how stupid it sounds to be in love at fourteen but that's just how it ended up. He was 17 when I first met him and he was perfect to me. I needed a ride home from school one day and he volunteered to because he had to his friend home that lives near me. So I went with him I was extremely shy and just sat there in the car as he went on and on about the craziest of stories. That's when I knew I liked him he was so funny and tried to get me to talk so many different times I was just to shy and whenever I said something it never came out the way I wanted it to. So about a week later I needed another ride home and so once again he drives me home and gives... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Betrayed, Sad, Hurt, Cry, Sadness
Votes: 11

Give and Take Away

Natalie Winslow

20 Nov, 2012 10:09 PM

Hello everyone. I wanted to share the inspiring story of a little baby boy who still lives in my school's hearts and in heaven today. I am an upperclassman in high school at a small private school. There was a little boy that was the brother of an elementary school boy at my school, who was born with many health problems. We prayed and prayed for this little baby boy to live. At some times, it seemed he would he would miraculously recover, but then a week later, he would relapse back into sickness. This little baby boy fought, though, with all of his strength. He'd never seen the walls of his home, only those of the hospital room, yet he persevered. He was the image of courage, and found a place in the hearts of all of us at my tiny private school. Well, one day, he seemed to... [Read More]

Tags: God, Inspiring, Baby, Death, Struggle, Sad, Prayer, Sad Story
Votes: 6

I Let Him Down


03 Nov, 2012 03:12 AM

Well, it all started in elementary school, his name was Jeffrey, had beautiful long hair. He was neglected, beat and bullied. He liked me in there and I did the same. In high school, we were best of friends, until they started bullying me for Liking him He ignored it blinded by love, I couldn't be hated so I told him something I HATE MYSELF FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!! I told him I liked another guy, I could see the hatred and sadness in Jeff's eyes, he came with scars to school. Teachers nor students cared... I was still in love with him, even though he did not know that. He invited me to his place and we ended up making out...Word got out somehow and we were in deep shit I could only save myself I couldn't save him so I told him the same lie AGAIN. During the next... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Death, Pain, Cutting, Betrayed, Bullied, Alone, Hurt, Sad
Votes: 7