Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

My Forbidden Love

Catherine G

19 Nov, 2012 02:39 AM

When I was fourteen, I fell in love. It wasn't like any other teen love. It was real. As if everything in the world didn't matter but him and he made sure I knew he thought the same. The only difference was, we weren't allowed to see each other. He (Nolan) was grounded because of some reason I still don't know and his parents forbade him from any and all relations with any and all girls. But, obviously, he didn't care. We met at a marching band competition. I was surprised that we had been in the same band for so long and hadn't noticed each other until then. It was definitely that cliche love at first sight. He was joking around with his friends and they were pretending that they were drunk (immature, I know) and he kept going long after his friends stopped. It was then he started... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Forbidden, Cancer, Forgotten, Love, Grief, Young Love, Story, Fiction
Votes: 11

Forbidden Love


18 Nov, 2012 05:53 AM

It's a really sad story. Not really anyone knows the ENTIRE truth. Not even my parents. First, I'll set down the facts: We're six years apart, but our mindsets are the same level. He's older, but that doesn't really matter I guess. I've always thought he was beautiful. He's known me my entire life, and I've known him my entire life. He was the ring bearer at my parents' wedding. All the adults love him, he's smart, polite, beautiful (I think I already mentioned that), and talented in gymnastics, academics, and sports. Practically perfect. I think I'll call it the "incident." The "incident" happened about a year and 3 months ago. We were at my grandma's house, just chilling, and my little brother was playing video games in the dining room downstairs. My grandma was out at the grocery store, so we were supposed to watch my brother. We were... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, True Story, Breakup, Love, Sadness, Boyfriend, Distance, Truth, Story, Lie
Votes: 14

I Loved You


18 Nov, 2012 07:42 PM

Hi, I'm Reyjee Calizar, and this is my story. When I was in High School, I was a problem at my school, they also call me a JOKER, But everything has changed when I saw Erica. She was my classmate, she has been a friend of mine for two years, a good friend. Then one Day at the school when our teacher is explaining something, I moved in at the seat next to her and I told her "I have something to tell you", and she said "Ok, but after the class please". I couldn't wait so I told her "I need to tell you this right now", she replied "Ok..ok! what is it??".Then I said "Erica, I will only ask you this once..Will you say yes if I ask you to be my girlfriend?".She was shocked and couldn't say anything. I didn't speak either after I told that to... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Betrayal, Unloved, Sad, Cry
Votes: 11

The Tale of It.

Kristin Villafuerte

20 Nov, 2012 12:34 AM

Hello, Dear Reader. Today, I will tell you about the Tale of It. Who is "It", you ask? Why, I will not tell you. You must have patience and I will tell you. Now, why don't we get on with the story? This story starts on a warm summer day, reader. It was summer and the birds are singing and the flowers are dancing and the winds are swimming. It was a normal summer day. And X wasn't happy. No, he/she wasn't. X was sad. No matter how many times X's friends and family tried to cheer It up. Nothing worked. he/she drowned out the sounds and ignored all the feelings of happiness. Yes, reader. X didn't want happiness. X felt nothing but pain. A crushing, bleeding pain. All in X's heart. You see, he/she did have happiness once. X had happiness with X's loved one. They loved each other,... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Suicide, Depression, Alone, Life, Pain
Votes: 3



18 Nov, 2012 04:43 AM

I met her exactly 2 and a half years ago. I was going through a rough time. I was addicted to drugs and on top of that I was drinking heavily. I met this girl, we talked once in a while. I didn't pay much attention to her till we talked a lot more often. Something made me smile, she never judged me in any way. I remember her and I just started to talk about each others problems in everyday life. She seemed to care for me when I vented to her. I started to smile whenever I caught myself thinking about her. We started sending texts to each other more often. Although on my own time I was having more problems happening around me due to my addictions. I couldn't handle it anymore. During the time she moved to her dads which was down in the states. (I... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Long Distance, Drugs, Love, Breakup, Heartbroken, Pain, Suicide, Alone
Votes: 9

Why have I always been alone?


16 Nov, 2012 10:55 PM

I haven't. In fact, I was never meant to be alone, but that changed when I was too young to remember. I lost my twin when I was about one year old. But I didn't know it. So this is how I was until a year or so ago: I developed a huge fear of losing a loved one, even though I wasn't aware of having ever lost anyone. that caused my OCD. So with those recurring anxieties, I was stressed, tired and afraid and always alone, even when I was with others. I was making it by, like other OCD sufferers, when I learned that I had lost my twin sister at a very early age. I overheard it, and after some dis belief, and digging around through my parents things, I found a few photos. I was forced to face my dead sister. That day I became an... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Family, Depression, Insomnia, True Story, Missing, Loneliness, Sad, Pain
Votes: 3

Leukemia ruins Lives


15 Nov, 2012 01:28 AM

So this is my story it is 100% true and I hope you guys read it through. Sorry if it is a little long! So January of 2011 I was in 8th grade and I wanted to get on the soccer team in high school so I started playing club soccer so I could get on the team in high school. Soon I was on Laguna Nigel soccer club at the time I never would have guess what this team would do to me and how it would change me live forever. So the first few months were good I got to know the girls and I thought they were all really nice and really good at soccer, we did ok in the first season I think we got 2nd in it. So I started to become best friends with all of the girls they became like my second family... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Leukemia, Best Friend, Girlfriend, True Story, Love, Sad
Votes: 18

6478 Miles

Phylburt Fagestorm

17 Nov, 2012 04:48 PM

It's all about the Distance. I met him on a online chat rooms, his name was Marcus. The first time I saw him, I can't take my eyes Off of him. I was telling myself, it is not LOVE, it's just adoration, but then, I don't adore him, I love Him. I don't know how this happened, but we just started calling each other "Babe, hunny, sweetheart." until we told stories to each other, until 3 magical words came out from both of us. I LOVE YOU. Most guys I met on chat rooms, was all Bad. They think all girls will give in and show something to them, Marcus and my friend has done that, but I showed Him, I was different, because it was true, you can make a guy love you in so many ways and not just showing them you are hot and interesting. Sex is... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Distance, Missing, Sadness, Love, Friendship, Heartbreak, Heart, Pain, Sad, Alone
Votes: 13

The day he went alone..


06 Nov, 2012 07:23 PM

It was two years ago. He had asked me to go ride bikes with him, but I refused. I was mad at the time. I'm not anymore. Anyway, he decided to go by himself..... He had gotten hit by a car. I ran to his side to see his bike handle bars had went through his chest. I pulled it out and tried to hold the wound closed. It didn't work well because I didn't have the necessary experience to stop the bleeding. I sat by his side holding his hand in mine. He kept mumbling about things I didn't understand. He gave a tight squeeze to my hand and whispered "I love you..." before the life left his eyes. I still remember that day...his blood on my clothes, the look in his eyes as he whispered to me, and the moment his eyes closed forever. I sat there cradling... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Alone, Missing, Memories, Pain, Sadness
Votes: 4

Lucky me


03 Nov, 2012 08:00 PM

My Best friend has always been there for me, she has always accepted for who I am. Even when she had her first boyfriend she never stopped talking to me until she got her second one. I have always envied her she is beautiful long straight hair, slim, smart, confident see's the good in people. She has a good family who love her and spoil her. And even her friends as well. I never have, I am the completely opposite of her. I'm negative my family hates each other I am in my room doing homework and they are always yelling at each other. My sister bullies me and used to hit me and always brought my self esteem down. I got to the point where I would cut myself and cry almost every nigh. I would try and talk to my mom but she never listens. I even told... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Best Friend, Betrayal, Sad, Alone, Deprived, Unfair, Unloved
Votes: 7