

17 Sep, 2018 03:16 PM

It was during 8th grade year that I first saw her. She was beautiful, but I couldn't admit that I wanted her. I lied to myself, while yearning for her. I remember a friend telling me his friend liked her, my heart raced. I wonder why? Soon I became attached to her. I would often take glance at her secretly. Looking back at the clock just too take a glance at her. Faking a stretch just just take a glance at her. Soon I began to realize where this was going. It was weird because I had a dream that warned me to not fall in love with her. I didn't understand it. Maybe it was because I was still in love with my first love in 4th grade. Although I was in love with another girl I couldn't stop thinking about her. I eventually stopped myself though. Freshmen year... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreaks, One Sided Crush, Hope, Hopeless
Votes: 21

My first love...Or I guess


13 Sep, 2018 01:15 PM

It all started in tenth grade when I was just 13 and my 14th birthday was yet to come. You were a part of my new class. I remembered you were in my class in 6th as well but I never felt anything back then but when I met you in 9th again, I felt something different... Something I felt for the first time in my life... LOVE. I had to get you to like me... I started talking to you more and trying to be likable. We even spoke together in the school event which was held in like 26 days from my 14th birthday. I loved your company even more from then. I knew from then that it wasn't infatuation like adults say about kids being in love. You felt different. We became best friends. I knew better than anyone in this world. You would come to me... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad Love Story, Broken Heart
Votes: 30



07 Sep, 2018 06:18 AM

This guy let me tell you is just a straight asshole excuse my language, here’s the story about him. July,12th I started talking to Kenneth on meetme, he messaged me he seemed really sweet so I gave it a chance I told him my expectations right off the bat so he knew, we were talking everyday and we had a lot in common, well one night I was showing my old roommate a picture of him and she’s like omg that’s Kenneth he’s our Next door neighbor and I was completely in shock and I told Kenneth and he was in more shock and so then we started hanging out this is where it all began. We start hanging out and talking getting to know each other he told me things about his life I told him things about mine and he was so understanding well one night it was... [Read More]

Tags: Mistake, Bad
Votes: 14

Mike part 3...


07 Sep, 2018 06:04 AM

There’s a part three to my story about mike hopefully their won’t be a part four, but here we go. I moved back to the place I got kicked out from the end of July, and things have been going good, one of the conditions of living here is no speaking to mike, I thought okay no problem, not easy as I thought. The week I moved back in mike was calling me from jail every other day and I couldn’t answer it because he had no money on the phone call, so he kept calling and calling and calling. I got fed up with it so I changed my number and made sure he didn’t get it. Time passed by and I was finally getting my life back together going to church more and doing stuff to keep my mind busy, well one day me and my foster dad... [Read More]

Tags: Dangerous, Toxic
Votes: 1

I Followed My Dreams…

Aiden Riches

03 Sep, 2018 04:45 AM

My story is quite long and in depth. Wouldn’t want to make anyone bored but this is an 100% true story of what happened to me. It started as a little toddler: 3 years of age. I remember my first dream. It was a nightmare and scared the crap out of me! I was afraid of everything from that moment on. Until… I had another dream. This one I met a girl. This was my first lucid dream, with many more to come. (In case you don’t know what that is, it is a dream in which you have full control and can realise you are dreaming). I was hiding from everything because I was scared, but then she saw me she introduced herself and told me that it was just a dream. I looked up and she took my hand and showed me how to lucid dream. She weirdly... [Read More]

Tags: Lonely, Dreams, Depression, Love Hurts, Sacrifice, Suicide, Broken Heart, Best Friend, Bullied
Votes: 15

She made me happy


07 Aug, 2018 08:19 PM

The story starts back in 2015 when I was going to highschool. There I wasn't the most popular kid or anything like that, but I did started to get more confidence when I started to train in a gym. And so it begins... During school day I saw the most beautiful girl and experienced the love on first site. She also noticed me. We started to chat for 2 weeks and we clicked and I thought to my self I am the luckiest guy ever. But then she told me, she only finded me sexually interested and that she noticed I had grown fellings for her, which she disliked, so she ended it over the phone. Months had passed before she contacted me again saying that her aunt forced her to end the relationship, because she was in trouble with the police. I belived her and gave her a second... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Depression, Suicidal, Heartbroken, Lonely
Votes: 45

London love story


02 Aug, 2018 07:14 AM

I was in a foreign country in my 6th semester of university . I get a facebook friend request and after much scepticism i went on to the bring it on mode.(accepted it) She was a beautiful girl , just like i always dreamt . I told her later too that she was my dream girl . The messenger texts turned into phone calls and phone calls turned into video calls. The night seemed to pass by in mins while talking to her on phone and then the normal schedule continued the rest of the day . She would call before exams and give good luck kisses which i believed to work somehow. Well she lived in a different country so 5 months into talking i flew to her country of residence and we met . It felt like an achievement . Just there I saw a fast food restaurant... [Read More]

Tags: Hurt, Unloved
Votes: 18

November 22nd


26 Jul, 2018 09:59 PM

Edit 2: This edit is at the top because it's a message to my friends and family. In case you ever read this, you may be wanting to know who is who. I've listed the names with an inside joke, quote, etc. You know who you are then! Lilly: SIO is best band <3 Jacob: Stellar is a dumb word Kieran: You're the most likely to call me "shortass" Erika: You named your stuffed rabbit Buns Robert: You forgot me Becca: We never talked to each other Eli and Zack: This is self-explanatory... Anthony: I can still spell your last name! Hahaha! Monica: "JACKDAW" Liam: Please stop being tall. It makes me feel short Caleb: RED HURRICANES!!! Kaylee: Oh gosh, so many to choose from ... pfft. "Be home in a boat! Blueberry muffins are the best Social Darwinism. REGENISIS." Camila: Remember that group project for Ancient Civilizations? Emma: I... [Read More]

Tags: Memories, Depression, Friendship, Pain, True Story, Suicide, Sad, Cutting, Childhood, Self Harm, School
Votes: 5

Summer of Sadness


14 Jul, 2018 05:57 AM

Although it's been a year later, I still think about him and why he treated me that way. It was the summer of 2017, a friend of mine introduced me to his cousin through xbox. The boy was only a year older than me and he was quite humorous. He always knew how to make me laugh and I decided to message him personally to get to know him better. He was dating someone at the time, but he came to me explaining his relationship problems and for advice. I tried as much as I could to save it, but it came to an end. I strongly felt bad, but there was also some relief in how I felt and I didn't know why. We got into the hang of talking for hours on a daily basis. He pushed me to communicate more throughout phone calls and FaceTime even though... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Sadness, Depression, Love
Votes: 25

Suicide story


12 Jul, 2018 06:16 AM

Imagine if you were standing there on the edge, imagine if you were lying there your arms soaked in your own blood or imagine if all the light in your life vanished and you were consumed by darkness. My life seemed normal to others, I was a 14-year-old boy who went to school and that was all they knew about me, but it’s not like they ever care as it’s the people in school that made me feel this way. I had one best friend and his name was Noah. Society tells you you’re not good enough that you are too ugly and that you don’t belong. However, society changes when you are dead, they suddenly care and act like they were a beneficial part of your life. But why should I care? I’ll be dead anyway. My family moved to another country when I turned 12 years old. I... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Depression
Votes: 34