Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Make it stop


03 Nov, 2012 09:51 AM

I am no stranger to pain. It's an endless struggle, like walking on an endless path with no known destination. I used to be optimistic. I used to always love myself and all of the people important to me. But... 5 years ago a great evil ruined my life. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder. It doesn't matter how optimistic I want to be or how much I want to just enjoy my day and be with my friends or family. Depression, caused by a chemical imbalance took hold of me. It all started on my 18th birthday. My mother set up a party at a Japanese hibachi grill: my favorite restaurant. Not only that, but I was surprised by five of my best friends! They were there waiting for me! I was having the best time of my life! And then I was sad. I don't know why... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Lost, Alone, Sad, Pain
Votes: 4

I didnt know I loved you


03 Nov, 2012 01:48 AM

Before I start I want to say this story is not real I made this up. When I'm older I want to be an author so could you comment if it was good or bad. Thank You The alarm clock beeped as Jenny woke up. It was 8:oo, she was late. When she got to school her friend (Lola) asked why she took so long to get dressed but Jenny didn't listen. Josh walked up to the door and entered his brown waves falling in one direction over his forehead. Lola nudged her doing an imitation of me, Jenny laughed. Maybe a little to loud because he looked over in her direction and waved. This shocked Jenny. She walked over to his seat and said: Hi josh said: Hey? His friend nodded at him Josh nodded back Josh: Wanna go out some time? Jenny: Yeah sure text me the details... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Love, Unloved, Death, Sad
Votes: 13

My Best Friend, The Blade


02 Nov, 2012 01:23 AM

This is going to sound so cheesy and I don't really know how to explain it so I guess I will say it...I just feel so empty and lost inside myself and I don't know why. I mean I have a great group of friends and a family who loves me and I know that some people don't even have that but I don't know why I still feel so empty and alone. It started when I started to self-harm (which I have stopped) and like any other person I thought I could trust my best friend so I told her the truth and it felt good to finally tell someone and get it off my chest, but months later I found that you cannot always trust the people you love. My so-called Best Friend had betrayed me and had told someone else my secret, but not just anyone, she... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Alone, Depressed, True Story, Hurt, Cut, Betrayal
Votes: 18

That one, thing that meant the most.


02 Nov, 2012 06:32 PM

I've been in a long distance relationship for a year. She broke up with me about five months ago. I tried to get back together with her after she dumped me, but she rejected me for about 4 times. She was the first girl to ever reject me. I didn't give up, I still tried. Til one day she tells me that she'd get back with me, but she has to change first. I was so happy, so I told her I was fine with it as long as we'd get back together. We had a an argument a couple of days after, so she told me that we had no chance together and that we should move on. I still didn't give up. I tried and tried, til she said okay. She also said she'll get back with me after she changes. And again, I said I was okay... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hurt, Breakup, Heartbreak, Longdistance, Unloved, Sad
Votes: 0

My Story


01 Nov, 2012 12:06 AM

6 years ago I was abused. My parents got divorced cause my dad threw my mom across the hall and she hit a wooden toy box. My sister got choked against a wall. I tried to stop him and he pushed me down.My sister's actually my cousin but her parents are dead and in a looney bin. I am his only daughter. He's changed. He's remarried. He promised me if he ever got married I would be the first to know. I didn't know till I got a text. "She said yes!" My mom's boyfriend hits my sister and the government got into it. Oh so much help. Now today I come home everyday to verbal abuse called a bitch or fat ass. Then my mom wonders why I don't talk to her. Today, Halloween, I went to school with make up on. I cried on the bus. The gym.... [Read More]

Tags: Abuse, Failure, Fake, Tears, Sucide, Sad, Girl, Depression
Votes: 0

It Ended Before It Happened(TRUE)

Sadie Bay

31 Oct, 2012 06:41 AM

I was not a normal girl. I was different from other people. I dressed differently, was more developed,and had a different maturity level than most. But one day my friend Kayla and I decided to hangout at the local park(it was also a skate park). I was waiting for her to arrive when I notice 3 boys. They looked a couple of years older. I tried to ignore their staring eyes. I accidently dropped my phone out of my pocket when one of the boys walked up to me to return it. He politely tapped on my shoulder. I turned. It was the one with honey-blonde hair. His eyes were like the ocean. Deep and full of mystery. He grabbed my hand and I was speechless. He quickly let go after he set my phone in my palm. I then saw Kayla in the distance and ran to go talk... [Read More]

Tags: Lies, Friends, Mistakes, Unloved, Sad, Hurt, Cutting, True Story
Votes: 11

My story about love


25 Oct, 2012 10:35 AM

Sorry it doesn't have good grammar, or whatever. If you wanted to just stay friends. Then why the f**k would you carry on acting like we were together. Don’t you see that it’s hard enough. Dealing with the pain of not having you beside me. So make it easier for me. Don’t let me hang on to you with a thin rope. I’m so confused.I just need one shot to settle down and I chose you Love Just give a chance to love This is my story to you. Moving on is just too hard for me.I say it’s over but you cant read my mind. You don't know what I've been thinking, no one does. I'm a head full of mysteries that are lost within, deep within.  To you it might be only a game, a harsh game at that But deep inside it’s tearing me up slowly, painfully.  This is me telling you what... [Read More]

Tags: Story, Love, Lost, Pain, Alone, Sad
Votes: 5

I will never have true love...


24 Oct, 2012 09:08 AM

This is the story or a girl who fell in love but it's too late. That girl is me. I've known him for five years, he has loved me for two years, and yet...I realized how deep my feelings are for him...When I left Egypt. I lived in Egypt for most of my life, but currently I live in England. My father's job is the reason why I travel, we have been to Dubai, Lebanon, France, Egypt and England. I'm still fifteen, and I've lived in that much places. I never minded travelling. In fact I love travelling, but when it depends on losing your friends, its a bit hard. I was in Egypt when my father got his job in England. I was thirteen, and it was very hard for me to leave my best friends...It was also a bit hard to say goodbye to him knowing that he... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Pain, Missing, True Story, Heartbroken, Lonely, Depressed, Regret, Love
Votes: 8

I can't spell us without u</3


23 Oct, 2012 02:05 AM

Why? Why did he just completely avoid me the whole day? I sat in my room deep in thought. Maybe he just needed time with his guy friends, or maybe-. Tears began to run down my pale skin before I could finish. Who am I kidding? We've been dating for five months, he's probably going to break up with me. I woke up the next morning shaking. Today was the day he was leaving me and I can't even think of a thing I did to make him end things. *Time Skip; At School* I walked into school as pain pierced my heart like a blade. There he was talking to some random girl. Is she why he's breaking up with me? He turned and saw me and walked over to where I stood. "Hey Melanie," he smiled at me making me want to scream knowing he was playing me.... [Read More]

Tags: Cheater, Love, Bullying, Depression, Unloved, Betrayal, Sad, Girl
Votes: 9



21 Jul, 2012 07:39 AM

I grew up in the city where supposedly people are busy. But, since I am funny kind of person, knows how to mingle to different people from low to high so, for me one of the main ingredients of friendship is about "Give and Take". I was in high school when I have so many friends. I was a member of youth ministry though they don't know my background they always sees me as funny, friendly and lovable. I felt like I was unlucky with my family but I am lucky with my friends. Always painted on my lips those smiles like I don't have any problems. And it's the most unforgettable moments for me. A circle of friends whose always there with each other, will understand you and will guide you. But when I reach my college life. It changed because I met a friend whose gonna be there... [Read More]

Tags: Friendship, Selfish, Lonely, Sad
Votes: 2