Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

A bestfriend going through a hard time


19 Oct, 2012 06:46 PM

Okay, my story starts when I was in 5th grade (now I'm in 11th) anyway, I made lots of new friends, which I was in resource. Though I made great friends and still have them. My first day of school I was terrified! I mean it was scary for me, I literally was crying. well anyway me and this girl became friends, her name was April. She became my best friend. She was funny, cool and a little crazy. April was the best friend I could ever ask for. She was a year older than me but we were in the same grade, we were in all the same classes all the way up to 9th and even then we had a few classes together. We always hung out and always acted crazy in the halls:) we acted like we owned the we weren't popular, but we did have... [Read More]

Tags: Bestfriend, Friendship, Sisters, Death, Pain, Hurt, Comfort, Rape, Sad, Girl, Sadness
Votes: 12

That's my Dan !

Ashna Anne Philip

18 Oct, 2012 05:54 AM

That night he was here, that man who knew and understood me and yeah – loved me for who exactly I am ..Holding me tight , afraid that there was someone out in the dark waiting to take me away from him .. his lips were steady as he said "baby .. no matter what, I am always there for you , you know that?" "uh-uh" I replied confused. "And do you know that I have loved you so much more than what you’d ever imagined love is, and that it can neither be measured nor weighed?" "yes – I do know" I looked into his eyes, his eyes never leaving mine .. I knew there was something he wanted me know .. just my ears he did not want it to travel from my nerves to brain and ask him cross-questions .. I wanted to say him it was... [Read More]

Tags: True Love, Sad, Girl, Love, Breakup, Betrayal, Death, Sadness
Votes: 91

Abused Memories


17 Oct, 2012 03:25 PM

When I was 3 years old my mom and dad divorced over letters. He was in Iraq in the army, so I barely knew him. A year later my mom gets a new boyfriend, yay for her bad for me. He hated me so much I still don't know why, but anyway he abused me. I'm not talking about once a week slap across the face. I'm talking throwing hammers at you while you hide, kicking you over and over, and nailing your fingers to a wall. My mom never knew this, my dad came back when I was 5 and I had weekly visits on the weekends. When I would get into trouble at his house he would yell a little and tell me not to do it again, I flinched the second he yelled...I was skittish like a stray cat. He went to court and my mother was... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Sadness, Pain, Family, Betrayal, Divorce, Separation, Sad
Votes: 3

The one that got away.


17 Oct, 2012 12:20 AM

So this story is one that is taking place as we speak. It is something that I will not be able to get out of, ever, for as long as I live. It is one that breaks my heart on a daily basis. I am 18 years old. I am ambitious. There are so many things in life that I want to experience. This last summer, I ended my 3 year relationship with the man I thought I was supposed marry. Stupidity and immaturity is to blame for that thought process. Like any teenage girl, I was devastated. Maybe not because he was gone, but because I felt alone. I needed some type of attention from the opposite sex. I just wanted to flirt and feel wanted, nothing serious, just a fun summer fling. My friend introduced me to a man who I had developed a kindergarten crush on earlier... [Read More]

Tags: Sadstory, Sadness, Girl, Hurt, Unloved, Sad, Pain, Heartbroken
Votes: 5

Broken Heart


14 Oct, 2012 03:36 PM

We met one summer while working in England. We were both from different countries but we decided to go to live in London together after the summer. I went there first. During the time we were apart we were talking every day. I knew that he was scared of new life, in new country, but he said that because of me he will try and he will come. We knew that if we don't start living at least in one country it will be impossible to stay together. So he bought a ticket to London, we were counting the days together, and the day before the flight I received a sms telling me that he's sorry but he cannot come. We didn't talk after this because he disappeared and after a month he was engaged with another girl, a girl from his country. I am sure he was with her... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, Lie, Broken, Heart, Heartbreak, Betrayal, Girl
Votes: 8

Trying to fight

Claire B

11 Oct, 2012 04:20 AM

My story starts in 7th grade, even though I'm only in 8th, a lot has happened since then. I'm Claire by the way. 13 years old. don't read this if you judge but ok yeah anyways. The first day I walked into a public school I was like "fuck yeah it's middle school yayy" but really no. It was hell, pure hell. I got called fat by 2 eighth graders and oh it gets better because that's the first week only. After three weeks I was getting called names by a lot of people I didn't even know... one of the eighth grade popular girls walked by me with all her friends and said "oh this one's really ugly." I looked at them and said "what?" and they said " oh and she's a dumb ass too! How nice, see you late caterpillar eyebrows" and I just ran in to... [Read More]

Tags: Bullying, Suicide, Cutting, Sad, Heartbroken, Girl, Alone, Hurt, Pain
Votes: 16



15 Aug, 2012 04:03 AM

PROLOGUE: I don’t have tears anymore. I want to cry, wail out loudly, but I can’t. I just don’t have the strength to do it. I feel numb...alone...cold. I guess I have to go, I've said my goodbyes. And may God forgive my soul. I climbed on to my car, turned the engine on. I looked around, it’s so peaceful and quiet here, I could stay here forever. Hah! I still got a sense of humor. Well, this is Sky lawn, where my mother and my stepfather lie. I came to visit them, brought flowers, lit up a candle, said a prayer...and ask for forgiveness. I will see you soon, mother. I will be with you, Dad. Blasted radio, why this song? Should I turn the volume up? Alex Clare’s lyrics says it all... “...just too close to love you...” OK, time to go, it’s gonna be dark soon. Oh... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Unrequited Love, Sad, Girl, Unloved, Hurt, Pain, Death, Depressed, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 51



10 Oct, 2012 06:32 PM

This year of school brought me something, that I'll never forget... a wonder full feeling that I want to hold in for ever. A boy, named Jacob Aaron Shafer but in the different grade. I'm in the 11th grade, and he's in the 10th grade. I fell in love with him, when we first talked, and the whole thing was so magical. I was blind of happiness when he gave me a hug, or when I wrote him a note, or anything that he did and was sweet. I never felt something so strong like this, I had some boyfriends before but he is different, the feeling was never this strong, and the whole world went in a blue bubble, and I just went crazy every time he went to talked to me my body went crazy. Of course outside I looked cool, but inside I shouted of happiness. Everything... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Girl, Sad, Friendship, Pain, Depressed, Hurt
Votes: 4

You forgot


10 Oct, 2012 03:55 PM

The girl had a deadly tumor and the doctors told her that she was going to die, but there was still hope she could do a special surgery and survive. If she decided to do it, she would lose her memory forever. When she told her best friend, he told her that he would talk to the doctors so they could plan the surgery. She stopped him, and pulled him to her side. Girl: I'm not going to do the surgery. (he looked at her shocked) boy: you have to be joking, you'll die! Girl: its better than forgetting everything I've lived with you. Boy: you don't understand, I can't lose you.....I LOVE YOU! (she had tears in her eye's) Girl: you love me? Boy: yes! Girl:why didn't you ever tell me? Boy: I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same.... Girl: but the thing is.... I do feel the... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Girl, Broken, Heartbroken
Votes: 7

Life Is Cruel But learn to deal with it


10 Oct, 2012 07:06 AM

I'm a shy quite Girl so when I met my ex boyfriend in high school I was scared of the possibility that we would never work. 3 years later we were still together and happy after high school we were still together for about a year. We broke up because I walked in on him with one of our friends and I could never forgive him so I had to say goodbye and move on with my life. I kept busy with school and work I lived with two of my best friends who were there for me. I was single for two and half of years had no hook up I just forces on me and my career. My best friend Alyssa was getting married and I felt like she need a getaway before her wedding so Alyssa, Ashley, and myself took a trip to Hawaii. We had a... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Love, Betrayal, Girl, Sad, Alone
Votes: 8