Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Broken Hearted

Alaina Lester

09 Aug, 2012 09:51 PM

I met you on Halloween night. We had never talked before, but at that moment we talked forever. While walking down the hallways you would grab me and give me a hug, in the library you would tease me about being a nerd. A week had passed and you had asked me out and I said yes and my feelings kept growing and growing. No matter how I felt, you would help me. A month together and it felt like forever. You would hold my hand and be proud to call me your girl. We spent everyday of those first two months together, then we broke up. We stayed friends and talked forever and ever on the phone. You had gotten a new girl and it broke my heart. We stopped talking because of her. I got a new guy to see if the pain would fade. It never did.... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Betrayal, Sad, Cut, Girl, Broken, Lost, Depressed, Rape
Votes: 33



09 Aug, 2012 05:25 AM

My story starts online in March. No it is not the smartest way to meet someone but I didn't mean for it to happen. I met him and from the start we were both hooked. He lived across the country from me. But he moved to the state I was in. I only saw him once in the four months that he was there due to the fact that his multiple jobs were so demanding. The beginning of July he moved back because his cancer was back and his doctors were back home. I started to plan to move to be with him because of how in love we were and we were planning to spend our lives together. Well we decided that I should fly over for a week and look at apartments, jobs, etc. I left in the middle of July on a Saturday. I got there Saturday... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Abandoned, Online, Cancer, Move, Life, Unloved, Left, Alone, Girl, Sad
Votes: 2

it is too late


08 Aug, 2012 10:19 AM

Sarah: Kyle I wanted to tell you something Kyle: what is it? aren't you sleeping? Sarah: Kyle it is something that I wanted to tell but I couldn't and I can't keep this from you anymore...... Kyle I love you Kyle: what? I m really shocked. I don't what to say I mean, how and when? Sarah: I don't know either... but you have to believe me that I never had this planned and by confessing this thing I never mean to intrude into your happy relationship Kyle: it is okay... don't worry we will try to fix this shit slowly aright Sarah: I wish I had never met you:( Kyle: please don't talk like that Sarah: I have decided that I will stop keeping in contact with you because every time I am with you this feelings gets stronger. so I am moving away from your life Kyle: please... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hurt, Pain, Heartbroken, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 18

He got away...


04 Aug, 2012 03:48 PM

When I was in my senior year,I met a man. We talk by phone. He was introduced by my cousin to me. Just a few conversations made him decide to meet me and visit me at our house,a quite long trip from where he was living. That's how everything started... When he arrived(by bus),I was in class so I needed for someone to fetch him in the terminal. so I asked my aunt to do that for me. Right after my class, I hurriedly went home. In my owe, he gets along well with my family so fast. I was shy to greet him at first. Luckily, he was confident enough to introduce himself. all I can feel that time is my blood rushing through my cheeks. I can't even look at him straight in the eye nor even glance at him. But I often catch him staring at me.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Breakup, Missing, Memories, Girl, Sad
Votes: 8

My first love & my first heartbreak

Stephany C

04 Aug, 2012 09:39 AM

Today marks exactly 1 week since my boyfriend and I broke up. And it has been the hardest and most painful week of my life. My now ex boyfriend and I met 6 months ago, he came up to me and my friends and handed me a sticky note with his name and number on it and left immediately. A couple hours into the night, I finally texted him. At first I was very resistant in meeting him in person I just figured he was a player and what not but for some weird reason, something inside me just made me agree to give him a chance. So the following weekend I met him up at a popular hookah bar, we hugged, sat down,and talked. I remember we just clicked instantly! We had so much in common that it really surprised the both of us. After talking for a while... [Read More]

Tags: Young, Love, Teens, Breakup, Betrayal, Sad, Hurt, Sadness
Votes: 8

A Drop In The Ocean


04 Aug, 2012 09:17 AM

Its been a month, a week, and 3 days since we last spoke. I'm trying not to care anymore even though I think about you 24/7 to this day. I'm proud of how strong I have been with dropping you out of my life but its funny how I still remember the first time we met. what you were wearing, how you were looking at me,and what you were doing. You seemed harmless. I thought I'd be the harmful one.. yeah shit was rocky but I knew no matter what, you would always stick by my side like my ride or die. I thought we would always work out our differences. I never knew what love was till I fell for you. But I also didn't know that that would be the worst mistake in my life so far that I would ever make. It'll be a year that we've... [Read More]

Tags: Heart, Love, Cheated, Sad, Hurt, Pain, Heartbroken, Sadness, Unloved
Votes: 26

An Unhappy Never After


04 Aug, 2012 12:36 AM

I gave up so much of my life for someone who never deserved it. I started so young. I was in 8th grade when I first noticed you. I knew you were different from me, yet it didn't matter. You caught my eye and I couldn't ask for more. You soon began to notice me as well. We talked and talked until that one day where you grew the courage to ask me out. I had a grin that spread from each side of my cheeks. I remember being so happy and so naive. Three months later you were different. I used all my might to let you go in fear that I was holding you back. You left with what it seems no problem. Only later did I find out that you had cheated on me. Regret tore you apart and you found your way back to me. As... [Read More]

Tags: Hurt, Love, Cheated, Unloved, Sad, Heartbroken
Votes: 6



03 Aug, 2012 03:50 PM

You wanna know what I find funny? How the guy will always get the girl, but the girl never gets the guy. And I'm just another one of these cases. I know that my story is not the worst, but to me it feels like the worst thing I could imagine. I am a young girl, with curly dark brown hair, long legs, a chest, and a tummy. I know that I'm nothing special, but I never used to mind that. I had friends that were all skinnier and prettier than me, but I met him before I met them. We were the terrible two, always causing trouble, always sneaking away from the other groups, always just goofing off and having fun. And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with him. Most people think that there's a set age when you can fall in love, but that isn't... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Superhero, Unloved, Ignored, Unspoken Love, Heartbreak, Sad
Votes: 5

A Bundle Of Lies.


03 Aug, 2012 10:19 AM

I was 15, just starting my Sophomore year at a brand new school, didn't know anyone. I walked up and sat on the steps waiting for the bell to ring, I was looking around hoping someone would come talk to me. I looked to my right and nothing, then I looked to my left and I noticed you. Your bright blue eyes, you skinny jeans, the way your hair blew in the wind, I instantly wanted to talk to you , but I was so nervous! The bell rang for everyone to go to homeroom, I sat behind two gorgeous girls named Dayana and Ashton, they became my first friend. When I got to my other classes I made two other friends Sarah and Dyna, I told then who I had a crush on , and might I say, it was a bad idea. Dyna wouldn't leave him alone about... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroke, Sad, Unwanted, Lies, Love, Upsetting, True, Best Friend, First Love
Votes: 5

So Much For My Happy Ending


26 Jul, 2012 09:37 PM

As I sit here, I'm still in shock about everything. It's taking every ounce of strength out of me to type this, and talking about it will take a lot out of me emotionally. First, I suppose I should tell a bit about myself. My name is Sabrina, and I am currently a freshman in high school, soon to be a sophomore. I love animals, art, and am a singer. I have long blonde hair and hazel eyes. His name is Gary. He is a year above me, so he's going to be a junior. He is about the sweetest person I know. Everything about him makes me fall for him. His big brown eyes, his voice, his warm skin, even his scent. He's one of those remarkable people that love all, even those who bully him, just because he's a little different. I don't know for sure that he's... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hurt, Heartbroken, Suicide, Missing, Alone, Sad
Votes: 6