Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Why is love so hard?


19 Jul, 2012 06:05 PM

He had promised never to break up with me. He had said he loved me more than anything. Both are lies. I loved him a lot. And still do in a way. But my heart is more dead than alive. Here's how he broke me: He asked me out in the middle of 6th grade over the phone. I said yes. He told me he loved me, he cared about me, etc. etc. And I loved him too. But I had forgotten that many other girls in my grade liked him a lot. He would talk to all of them more than me, and being the shy girl, I never asked much of him. But it DID seem like he really did love me. He was sometimes even more emotional in that "lovey" kind of way than me. He was my first boyfriend, and he broke my heart 11 times.... [Read More]

Tags: Pain, Heartbroken, Lost, Hate, Cheated, Sad
Votes: 3


liz maya

16 Jul, 2012 10:24 AM

I'm not sure I will be able to write this story the way I would want to, I mean it's very difficult to include all the details but just read it and your comments will be very helpful. But one thing remains, so many things have happened, I'm so sad and I need to talk to someone. I keep asking myself the same question, why do we have faith that makes us fight for the things we'll never have?? ...Everything kept getting worse, I tried to have faith and to be positive, but I failed. First, there was my first love, and he was sweet and nice and texting me and calling me all the time, but it turned out he was just trying to be friends. Too late... I was already in love. I was so hurt so in order to get over him, I started dating this guy... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Deppressed, Unloved
Votes: 9

Worst feeling ever


14 Jul, 2012 05:26 PM

I fell in love with this guy, He's 21 and I'm 18. Every time we got together I fell more and more in love with him. We would text each other everyday. While I was on vacation in Oklahoma, that was when I started to fall for him. He was the only guy I felt completely safe with. In his arms, when he holds me I felt so content. When other boys would hug me, I never felt that way. He knew how to make me laugh and how to make me smile. we slept together, not in a sexual way. We just cuddled next to each other, and fell asleep. One day after I slept at his house. He was gonna go shopping with this girl AKA his best friend. He told me things like I would be the first girl he would take on a date, how I'm... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, True Story, Heartbroken, Pain, Breakup, Alone, Tears, Betrayal, Sorrow, Memories, Hope, Hurt, Depression, Un
Votes: 10

Whatever, Right?


03 Jul, 2012 06:36 PM

If you listen to me speak, you'll never hear me say 'my home'. You won't hear me say that. You'll always hear me say my house. Home is where you feel most comfortable. House is where you live. I feel most comfortable in my tae-kwon-do studio, so I call that my home. My house, I get screamed, yelled at. All the blame is pushed upon me. It's always my fault. No one cares when I break down. I've learned to control that. I've learned to fake a smile, pretend I'm happy. Everywhere. then at night I sob about my depression into my stuffed pikachu. Sad? Yeah, it's pitiful, especially for a girl who acts so strong, like nothing fazes me. I feel sad and angry and depressed. But no, I can't tell my parents. They'll shrug it off, or yell at me for being too sensitive. yes, my parents. Mother... [Read More]

Tags: Hurt, Death, Depressed, Pain, Alone, Suffering, Sad
Votes: 14

Journey to destiny


29 Jun, 2012 06:09 PM

I was on the verge of destruction... totally shattered after the heart break by my husband.... then I met my almighty.....I met a friend of mine..... we met at the juncture when he also was deprived by his god.... He was also dumped by his girl friend..... who dumped him and sailed oceans far with her husband.... we were the sailors of the same ship.... we came close.... used to chat long time in the nights..... he used to visit my place.... me,my husband and he were very good friends.... we used to party late night very often.... it was a matter of one night..... my husband went to sleep earlier as he was over drunk..... and we were also drunk.... I was lying down on his lap as he was sitting on the sofa.... for the first time he touched me.... we kissed each other... first time he whispered... [Read More]

Tags: Sad But True Love Story, Unloved, Betrayal, Heartbroken, Pain, Sad
Votes: 4

Sister Separation


28 Jun, 2012 09:54 PM

In about 2009, just a few days before school got out for the summer, a tragic death happened to a 12 year old girl. There were two twin sisters, (I don't know their names.) They were super close, or maybe even best friends. School had just ended for the day. One of the sisters were on the bus, but the other was still getting stuff out of her locker, then she was finished and got up and ran to try and catch up. But the bus was already gone. So she called her sister, No answer. So she tried calling her parents to pick her up. They were at work in Chicago, so couldn't. So she chased after the bus, but as she was running she tripped. She couldn't move her leg, and the bus was coming and ran her over. She was quickly rushed to the hospital, but at... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Separation, Sisters, Pain, Memories, Sadness
Votes: 3

Dear dad,


18 Jun, 2012 11:09 AM

Yesterday was fathers day, I was on Facebook scrolling through endless pictures of all my friends with their fathers knowing I never had that and never would. why? Because you replaced me with your new wife and kids.Its been 1 full year and you still haven't called to tell me you got married. The whole family went but no one told me. No one called saying,Hey Clarissa your dad just got married. I had to find out from my cousin through facebook 3 months AFTER you got married! I haven't talked to you for the past 3 months because I choose not to. Do you know that I went to the hospital for cutting too deep on my birthday? Did you know that I stay up all night looking at the new pictures of you and "your family". do you remember in December when I called you crying saying that... [Read More]

Tags: Dad, Mom, Cutting, Sorry, Sad, Cut, Wrist, Emo, Love, Daughter, Unloved, Sadness, Pain
Votes: 19

My Family


14 Jun, 2012 08:17 AM

You close your eyes and count to 3. When you open them you hope things are ok. But when you open your eyes it’s all still here. I hate you! You try to walk away but it follows. Always negative, always there. I wish I was dead! A new day a new start. Wrong. Still there, still hating. Ill just run away then! Your angry now, all this negativity is rubbing off on you. You lash out and everything you want to say comes out. SHUT UP! You don’t know what you’re on about. You have a lot more than you think. You’re lucky, try living someone else’s life for a day! But it doesn't end. I don’t care! I’ll be better somewhere else anyway. The argument never ends. It continues never getting old. Do the dishes No! Now! I hate you! You can’t help it your angry, too angry.... [Read More]

Votes: 2

What you want the most.


10 Jun, 2012 04:14 AM

Its the thing that you want most in this world. That you just can't have. The thing you try hardest to find or get. And you feel like you can't reach it. Even though I'm young it's still something I want. I have best friends but its just guy relationships. That's not a real relationship. I want something that feels real. Someone not just to make out and have sex with. I want that close relationship that you feel when your with someone you really care about and that you know they care about you. I just want to feel loved and wanted. I've never felt that. I've had girlfriends but never felt that cause none of them were serious. I just want that feeling you get when you've been with someone for a long time where when you try it just becomes natural and that I love to do... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Unloved, Suicide, Missing, Sad
Votes: 10

I've missed him ..


21 May, 2012 12:05 AM

All this time, years apart ..I've missed his smile, the way he used to make me laugh just by being there, the way he made me fall in love with him without a single effort this is the only thing he was good at. Circumstances were tough and I could't be with him but also couldn't forget him. I've tried so many times but can't get him out of my mind cause every single detail in my daily life reminds me of him. Sometimes I pretend being assertive and try to move on with my life but in vain. He has never told me he loved me but somehow my love for him grows everyday.. I always wonder what he is doing? who is he with? does he even miss me? these questions are killing me , his absence is killing me but I just can't call him and say... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Lonely, Missing, Hurt, Breakup, Heartbroken, Sadness, Alone
Votes: 12