Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

My Story


14 May, 2012 08:52 AM

This is the story of an 18 year old man (I use the term man because in light of the circumstances you could hardly attribute these feelings to a boy) who has dug himself into a situation in which it does not matter where he goes or what he decides to do, he will be forever haunted by the fact that he messed up possibly the only thing he ever wanted before he was even aware that he wanted it. That man, as I'm sure you are aware is me. Sadly, I cannot release names. The situation is far too delicate to do so. My story is a story of love. It is a story of feeling and passion that will leave many saddened, some strengthened, and many others baffles by its sheer emotion. My story may not be long, but please read it. It would help me greatly. My... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad, Story, Lost, Broken, Heart, Torn, Tears, Depression, Dilemma, True Story, Friend
Votes: 14

Falling out of love..


09 May, 2012 07:57 AM

Hi, my name is natalie. you can call me Nat. Here is my story. August 22, 2010. Me and my classmate went to our school gym. There were some festivities coming up in our town. Our school always joins. So a few of my classmates joined the school dance troupe. I for one was not in any way joining. I don't like dancing, I never did, and I never will. Anyway, as we went to the gym my friend asked me "Hey nat, ever thought of falling in love?" I smiled and simply said "No, I don't believe in love". When we reached the school gym it was packed with students watching the troupe rehearsing. Some were just standing, some were sitting on the bleachers. We wanted to talk to our classmates after the rehearsal. So we sat on the bleachers and waited. The dancers changed their positions, the music... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Long Distance Relationship, Breakup, Heartbreak, Sad
Votes: 2

Alvin .

Lydia Jo

06 May, 2012 10:52 PM

Have you ever felt so alone and useless? It is a horrible feeling. I used to feel so alive in the 6th grade. In the fall of the 6th grade I met my first boyfriend and I guess love. His name was Alvin Hernandez. He had mesmerizing eyes and a beautiful smile. He was perfect to me. He wrote me a note in Science class one day that said. "Hey pretty girl. I think you're beautiful. I know this seams creepy. But would you please be my girlfriend?" When I received the note I actually rolled my eyes because in the 6th grade boys always said stuff like that then they embarrass you in front of the whole class. At the end of class I walked up to him and said. "Are you lying?" He looked confused and said "Huh?" Then I showed him the note. He smiled at me... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, First Love, Death, Moving, Heart Broken, Mourning, Sad
Votes: 11

I never said this to you.......


05 May, 2012 08:04 PM

This is based on a true story of my life on what happened to my little sister when she was around 18 or 19. When I was 5, my sister was born. We were super close, we would talk about what happened at school. When she was 18, I think, She had a boyfriend. My sister (Alex) and I were still really close, but when she went to a party with her boyfriend, it all changed. At midnight, everyone was still awake, waiting for Alex to call or text us to pick her up. At 1:00 a.m., my mom texted her non-stop for Alex to answer,my other sister (2 years younger than me), Alice, and my mom called her number, Alex's boyfriend answered, almost crying, he told them how Alex died of being stabbed, chocked, and murdered all at once, we rushed to the hospital,and saw Alex's boyfriend (Jake) waiting... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, True, Death, Love
Votes: 6

The Feeling Inside


02 May, 2012 04:16 PM

There's a feeling inside me that makes me sad. It's called heartbreak. I used to be able to fall asleep at night without thinking of anyone. I used to be able to sleep without dreaming. I used to be able to sleep through a whole night without waking up. All those days were before I met you, before I broke your heart and mine all at the same time. Now I think of you before I sleep, I dream about you now and then, and almost every night I wake up at some point and get that super sad feeling. That feeling let's me know that I'm still missing you. Every damn day. I keep hoping for something that will never happen. I still want something I will never have. I have to move on, but moving on is so hard when you can't let go. And I'm still holding... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreak, Sad, Waiting, Missing, Breakup, Sadness
Votes: 12

Imagine being in her shoes.


02 May, 2012 12:46 AM

Okay, so I heard about this story from my mom because this includes her friends daughter. Anyways, there were these 2 girls Rachel and Miranda (made up for their sake) and they were juniors in high school. They were in the top 5% of their class. Miranda being involved in dance and all kinds of sports, and with Rachel being involved in chorus, band, and student council they were 2 very well known girls. Everyone talked to them and none was mean and or hated them. One day Miranda and Rachel decided to tell everyone their little secret that was just between them. They thought that because this was such a good year they can come out of the closet now. So they did, but they made sure that everyone knew they didn't like each other, they just liked girls. People started giving these girls mean looks, talking about them... [Read More]

Tags: ACCEPTANCE, SUICIDE, Sad, Love, Unloved By Society, Sadness
Votes: 5



06 Feb, 2012 05:11 PM

"Lily, its time for bed"My mother yelled up the stairs as I walked out from the bathroom. "Ok, I'm going to brush my hair then I am going to bed" I unwraped the towel from my head and let free my long blonde wavy hair. "Ok, night honey" I walked into my dim lighted room and closed the door and turned on my desk lamp and started with my hair as I listened to my favourite song. I placed my newly bought hair brush on the desk and went to my closet and changed into a pair of sweats and a tank top. I walked to my mirror and looked at myself and sighed. The more I try to lose the weigh the more I gain it. I ran my hands from my collar bone to my hips and let out a tear and I lifted my top to revel... [Read More]

Tags: Self Harm, Sad, Hurt, Cutting
Votes: 11

no matter what


27 Apr, 2012 08:26 PM

The hardest thing on being a lesbian for me is not that I wouldn't be accepted among my peers or my society. But when I'm in love with my own best friend. My religious yet spoiled friend. Whom I used to hate because she annoyed me very much, so in order to keep her away, I terrorize her into fearing me. But then she reached out to me, became my best friend, and now I love her. She knew I was gay, but she wasn't afraid of me because she believed, I wouldn't take advantage of my own friend, and so, I wouldn't love my own friend. But then I realized I was lying, I loved her very much. I realized how much I loved when we were at the last year of high school. I tried my best to keep her by my side, to spend the last time... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Teen, Self Harm, Lesbian, Unspoken Love, Sad, Suffering
Votes: 7

last moment with my DAD ;(

frecy maydeen

24 Apr, 2012 04:56 AM

On June 18, 2005, my life changed drastically, not for the better or worse but changed. As I go on to tell you my story you’re going to wonder how I can’t say for the worse, but I hope by the end you will understand. The day started out like any other day, got ready to go to work, and then had to stop by my dad’s girlfriend’s house to copy some things for my pre-school class. The phone then began to ring but I didn't answer it, the answering machine then answered the call and the message began. Little did I know that this message would be the beginning of a change in my life. As I stood making copies, my dad’s voice spoke on the answering machine stating that he was having a stroke and needed help. I then answered told my dad I was on my way... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Love, Missing, Sadness
Votes: 21

Can't Let Go


22 Apr, 2012 03:13 AM

It all started during my second year of high school, I started dating my good friend, Nicolas. Nicolas was a very quiet person, but certain topics could make him talk non stop. I liked that about him. He didn't smile much, but whenever I was with him, he’d show me his adorable smile, I’d feel like hugging him tightly from his cuteness. I wasn't quite sure how we ended up together, we’re complete opposite, in our taste in Music, Style, Personality.. But maybe, just maybe, that’s what made us come together? ..I’m still not sure why I love Nicolas. The first time I met Nicolas was in the last year of middle school, he used to sit on the first bench on the right with John, while I used to sit in the middle row in the second bench with my friend Nora. That’s when I noticed, Nicolas used to... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, True Story, Cry, Depression, Love, Confused, Unloved, Heartbroken, Hurt
Votes: 6