Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Places you belong is within you.


13 Apr, 2012 02:57 AM

I tried looking for a place or path where we could stay or walk on. Time to time we got demoralized by people who have everything from birth. While trying to do many things and failed over again.... tried to court a girl during my high school years was one of the most devastating things I ever tried, was hurt but I moved on but the bad parts carried on as I continued to move on to my second year in high school. I made friends and got into bad company without knowing anything and suddenly I didn't even know I never hit my parent's expectations and failed to even noticed that my Mother was sick and soon after I went on to my college life, everything wasn't getting better my Mother's still in the hospital. I decided to quit college and went on to work as I could be... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Sad, Death, Sad Life, Friends
Votes: 5

I'll Never Forget


08 Apr, 2012 11:11 PM

FICTION!!! I'll never forget the day that you did it. The day that you committed suicide. You were my best friend, my boyfriend. What did I do to deserve this? I remember we would always smile and hold hands. There would be those days where we would only think of each other. Let me start from the beginning though. My name is Alyssa and I was transferring to a school in California. I was originally from Connecticut and I was scared that I wouldn't make any friends at my new school. I stepped one foot into the school and all of the teens stopped talking and stared at me. One girl screamed out "What a tramp!" and everybody started laughing, except for you. You walked over to me and said "Forget about those girls." "Thanks." I mumbled. "I'm Max by the way." He said. It wasn't long since I started... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Heartbroken, Sad
Votes: 8

I could never tell him.....


07 Apr, 2012 10:40 PM

I could never tell how much I loved him.......... It has been almost 3 years now ..... I still have not been able to tell him how much I have loved and still love him. Now it is coming to an end, he will move in two months .... 2009 during the autumn the year I started studying at university, that's when everything started. I saw him in the school cafe he passed by me with his tea in his hand. I stopped and watched him constantly, in seconds and I felt that he will be the guy I will love for the rest of my life, I felt that my heart was going to stop, it was like love at first sight ..... The days weeks and months passed, one day when me and my friends were over a coffee in a cafe, I saw him come in and... [Read More]

Tags: Unspoken Love, Sad, Silent Pain, Suffering, Hurt, Sadness
Votes: 8

I'm Sorry...


07 Apr, 2012 05:26 AM

Dear auntie, I miss you. I'm sorry I didn't visit you for 5 years. I'm sorry I never said I love you. I didn't visit you when you were in the hospital because I didn't want to see you like that. I didn't go to your funeral. Why? I couldn't stand the fact that the last time I would see you, You would be in a coffin. I'm sorry auntie. I love you so much. Love, Tu flaca My story: Summer of 2005 I went to visit my auntie, I was 5. I loved it I had so much fun.We went to the beach, went to rivers,took a walk through town. We left to go back home. Years pass by and my auntie calls us to see how we are doing. She asks me the same question every time, "when are you coming to visit?" I always said "Soon." She... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Death, Unsaid Love, Sadness
Votes: 7

Here we go.


06 Apr, 2012 02:49 AM

So this is gonna be short, but they told me that 400 words are necessary so I decided to go all out! Well it might be a little bit short Because I guess it just started. But here goes nothing. I met this amazing guy, on February 21st 2012. I posted a truth is on his wall saying " Hi your really cute! & we should talk more. " He commented text me sometimes & I said message me your number. Well, we started talking ALOTTTTTT. He was the funniest sweetest guy I ever met. We started talking more & more & I started to like him! Well he was dating someone & shes an 8th grader! ( hes an 8th grader too ) I'm a 7th grader;( He broke up with her once before because of trust but that was a one day thing and it was on April... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Unspoken Love
Votes: 3

I Cant Walk Away


04 Apr, 2012 09:04 PM

"Just walk away!!," the words darted right out of his mouth. "Its not that hard, just walk away from me!" I knew it wasn't hard, walking away, that's the easy part. It wasn't walking away I was scared of, its the fact of knowing if I walked away you wouldn't come after me and that's what hurt the most. Tears started flowing down my face, just hold me right now, I cant take this. I never thought I would lose the one that meant everything to me, the one I gave my heart to, the one I shared everything with. After everything we had to go through you're gonna tell me to walk away and forget. You were never a part of me life. It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. My whole life changed because of you, we had it all and you ruined... [Read More]

Tags: Hurt, True Story, Depression, Unloved, Heartbroken, Sad, Pain
Votes: 5

Goodbye Forever

*Starcatcher* <3

05 Mar, 2012 08:44 PM

Let me just start off saying I still love him and he is all I had and everything to look forward to. Now that he's gone I have NOTHING!!!! Me and this guy Michael were dating for 4 months and we were in mad love with each other. Only problem is he is 18 and I'm 15 (about to turn 16). One day while I was at school the cops showed up at his house asking him if he was dating a kelia golden (which is me) and if he was he was going to be arrested and sent to jail over stagetory rape. So he said "No sir, I know OF her but I don't know her and I'm am NOT dating her". Which yeah it hurts but I can totally understand. At the time I didn't have a phone so when he needed to tell me something important... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Hurt, True Story, Goodbye?, Death, Sad
Votes: 1

A Letter for My Love

Phylburt Angeline Fagestorm

27 Feb, 2012 12:23 PM

I tried.. I cried, but this feelings kept chasing my once broken soul. I want to forget you but within my heart it is a foul. For like the game I used to play. I will never let you fall. I can't believe I've felt this. For it's the first time in my life and my body says I need you and even now my heart says you're forever.. Forever buried deep inside until my soul can no longer breath without you I don't suppose we are gonna make such great endings but even though at times I got tired of loving you.. baby, it is only my body that does..but not my heart, which I offered you. Not even others can tell or can even see how I fell. I was afraid to love you but I was more afraid to let you go. In the midst of darkness... [Read More]

Tags: Soul, Vow, Eternity, Promise, Creed, Sad
Votes: 3

Emo Love

Mystic Nightshade

20 Feb, 2012 04:00 PM

I stared at the letter left in my locker after school. I read it over once, twice. I felt a pain in my chest as the words stabbed through my sensitive heart. My girlfriend of two years broke up with me in a note... I felt tears roll down my pale cheeks, clouding my vision and blurring the words on the paper. My hands trembled as I held the paper close to my heart, refusing to let it go. My walk to home was very lonely. Normally, my girlfriend and I would walk home together, hand in hand, laughing at random remarks in our conversation. The memories made my heart ache more and I buried my hands deeper into the pockets of my “Escape the Fate” hoodie, clutching the note that broke my heart. Once I got home, I dragged myself to my room, locking myself inside. Nobody was home... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Death, Depression, Cutting, Heartbreak, Unloved, Sad
Votes: 17

High School Hell


18 Feb, 2012 02:18 PM

I don't really know where to start, or how. Perhaps it could all go back to my childhood. Don't get me wrong, my parents were good parents. It's just never once in my life have they said "I love you". I've never been hugged by them nor given any attention. This may be due to the fact of having a large family. However, ever since birth I have felt alone. And that scares me. In elementary school, I had no friends. This was due to my horrible speech problems. People made fun of me for the way I talked, so I didn't talk. This went on for years. Years of never having a friend to walk with. Or even a single person to talk to. Then came middle school. I wasn't bullied, I was tormented. My speech impediment was no longer there, so I'm still not sure why. But they... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Depression, Drugs, Rape, Sad, Accident
Votes: 13