Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

The Life I Won't Get Back.


17 Feb, 2012 11:29 AM

I used to be the type of girl who wasn't popular but wasn't unpopular... Just average. I'd sit with classmates at lunch but wouldn't talk much. I guess I was socially awkward in a way. I had a few friends I would watch movies with and go out. Sometimes I could actually be myself around them. But one by one, they all had other friends and I was left alone. When I walked down the halls I would have my head downcast and ignore my surroundings. That was just middle school. Few weeks later my parents dropped a bomb. I'm moving out of Chicago Out To Orlando, Florida! I've heard stories of that place. Oh, I was terrified. After sometime, I decided I would change my perspective. I dyed my hair from a lame blonde to a midnight black with multi-colored streaked in it. I got rid of my glasses... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Separation, Love, Death, Sad
Votes: 9

The fate of my love


13 Feb, 2012 11:46 PM

I was a very happening person in my college days. I used to live my life to the fullest. Being a Gemini I have a versatile nature. When I joined my degree college, me and my school friend joined a dance troop to get some extra pocket money. I met her there.... At first we were dead enemies, we literally used to envy each other. After few months, with couple of performances in and outside the city, we got to know each other. We were made partners for some couple performances.. Then we became friends. Slowly we started talking to each other more often. We exchanged our no's and started chatting at late nights. She was staying alone as her parents had settled in another city. She used to miss her parents a lot and the homely food. I then sometimes took food from home in vessels for her without... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Heartbreak, Unforgiven, Missing
Votes: 10

A perfect love story lost to the mundane


25 Sep, 2012 05:46 AM

This is my story. The story of how I met a wonderful girl, saw her grow into a woman and then lost her to incompatibilities between her and I. I was walking through downtown with my Dad. He has always been a player (my mom divorced him years before this) and he knows what to say to grab a hold of the other persons attention when he wants to. He has a great ability to guide a certain situation to where he wants it to go. So there we where when I saw a pretty chic walking down the street and she passed us quite a few times with her friend. She was barely 17 and I was 22. I've always been quite shy and I was looking for a good girl to spend the rest of my life with, so I actually thought the age difference would be a... [Read More]

Tags: Lost Love, Dwindled Love, Heartbroken, Sad, Breakup
Votes: 23

I Thought People Cared


26 Sep, 2012 05:18 AM

Life isn't too easy when the people you’re so used to having around, the people who you think cared about you, the people who you could trust no longer has your back. I know many have felt this way too so this is my story. Regina and Bert are not their real names. Gabe and Cat are real names in this story. Everything started in 8th grade. I had friends who I thought had my back for a long time. Friends that of course I could invite to parties and sleepovers. I had a liking for a new guy named Gabe. He was on TV once and that was to come to where I lived in 7th grade. I didn’t even notice him until 8th grade when certain people went to a DC trip. I was reading Maximum Ride at the time and like many other fan girls, I was... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Friendship, Best Friend, Betrayal, Heartbroken, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 74

angry sorry

Zabuya Dreamchaser

23 Sep, 2012 06:46 PM

It all started very nice i loved her she loved me but we didn't know it from each other so we were just friends...Until oen day a friend of me told me that she is in love with me so we played family on Facebook (smile).I was the father my best friend(in who i was and am in love)was the mother and are two friends we're the kids....Next day (it was the 4 January 2012)I sent my best friend a sms with a sweet good morning greet,she replied and than i asked her out....She said yes and i was so happy my heart went like a dancer and it almost make me die...(It was 10:00 in the morning when she said yes)...... We were very happy but we both knew that i need to leave.I grew up in Greece on the beautiful island Crete i went to school there and... [Read More]

Tags: Please Come Back, Heartbroken, Sad
Votes: 3

the day i was left with nothing


04 Sep, 2012 11:26 PM

Well i don't really know where to start off this is by far the worst thing that has ever happened in my life... it started in 7th grade when I saw this beautiful girl in my class her name was Maddie and as soon as i saw her i knew she was the one and that I would marry her.. I didn't had the gut to talk to her until the summer before my freshman year we started dating for about 2 months until her friends screwed it up. I was devastated and ever since then I had been looking for a girl just to fill the void she left but no girl was ever the same just not her.. Went through all of freshman year with just being best-friend with her which was okay but I wanted a relationship but she just thought we were best=friends she didn't think... [Read More]

Tags: Hear, Death, Relationship, Separation, Sad
Votes: 11

I'm Sorry...


12 Sep, 2012 10:01 PM

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy was incredibly smart, and the girl, an aspiring artist. Now, the boy was in love with the girl. He barley knew her but for some reason he loved her. The girl wasn't particularly pretty. In my opinion at least, but, even though she was quiet, she had a ready smile and bright green eyes. She was totally oblivious to the boy's feelings for her. And she had some small feelings for the boy's best friend. This was all the way back in 6th grade though... back when things were simple. In 7th grade she found out. And never officially rejected or accepted him. Although when people would tease her and ask if she liked him the reply was never "yes" Most of the time she would avoid the question. It wasn't until the teasing began to hurt,... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, Sorry, Apology
Votes: 1

it's not over yet


14 Sep, 2012 05:05 PM

Everyday I would wake up with a frown. I looked around my surroundings and realized that I am back to reality. When I fall asleep, I feel like I can escape and dream of something beautiful. In reality, I am just another broken person. My father has lowered my confidence and me having hope of doing anything. My mother has a way of making me feel bad by yelling at me. February 2012, I began to cut. I didn't know what to do I just cut. At times I was having troubles at school and home as well. That month my parents began to push me really hard and that's when I began to go insane. I wanted to die. I thought about suicide and was gonna attempt to kill myself but I didn't do it. I knew that if i killed myself that it would effect my parents a... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Depressed
Votes: 1

Greater Love, Greater Pain

Christian Fire

13 Jan, 2012 05:31 PM

My story starts back at December 2008 when I was in 9th grade. I was out with some friends when one of my friends called 3 girls from his class (2 of them I already knew) and said to come hang with us. I didn't knew the 3rd person (I only knew her by face) and the other friend usually opens his mouth about anything and he said: "Hey did you know that she has a boyfriend?" Deep in me I felt a little disappointed, then i said to myself "What do I care." Then she came with the 2 girls I already knew and so we met. After awhile we started hanging out, we talked a lot and one day she asked for my Skype. And so we were chatting every day, up until late and little by little I was starting to like her(she was still with her... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 9

We will stop at nothing to be together


22 Dec, 2011 07:49 AM

(This story is about a german girl and a Jewish boy who fall in love during world war two. This story changes perspectives between characters) Anja My head was spinning. I?d been beaten, and smashed into the concrete sidewalk in the streets of Berlin by my own kind. My name is Anja Otsvetch and if you are interested in my story, we should go back about a week ago, so you?re not so confused. It was the year 1945 and I was living Germany because my father, JunGenn, is in the German army and he got positioned in Berlin to patrol the Jewish activity. On December 14, 1945, I was minding my own business, being a regular 15 year old German girl, just on my merry way to school, when the German soldiers surrounded me also rounding up a large group of others. Lights were flashing and sirens were blaring,... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, Impossible, Together
Votes: 3