Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

Love Of A Mother

Vina Angeline Waruwu

09 Dec, 2011 12:10 AM

The road has been hobbled, because she was already more than 70 years, so if she had any choice at all, she is rarely able and willing to leave the house. Although she had a daughter, she was staying in a nursing home, because her presence is not desired. Still remembered by her, when the father of the child ran away after being her pregnant without going to take responsibility for his actions. In addition, the family demanded that she abort the unborn child, because his family was ashamed to have a daughter who was pregnant before marriage, but she still defended it, and therefore she was expelled from her parents' home. In addition to the shame that should be on the responsibility, she had to work hard at the factory to finance her life. When she gave birth to her daughter, no one was with her. She does not... [Read More]

Tags: Mother, Family, Death, Love, Daughter, Unloved, Hurt, Sad, Tears
Votes: 12

letting go of my love


17 Nov, 2011 01:28 AM

my love story is just like others but i still wanted to share it though. i have a fantastic best friend since young, we're like sisters. we loved each other that we can't live a minute staying away with each others. when we are in college, we enrolled in the same university, one day while having a late dinner in our favorite restaurant i bumped to a guy, the first time i saw him i know at that very moment that i like him. just to make the story short after that incident we became friends, i found him Intelligent, handsome, talented and funny, i fell in love with him we became attached to each others until one day, the worst day of my life he asked my best friend for a date what hurts more is my best friend said yes. i felt like dying at that very moment,... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad, Broken Hearted, Heartbroken
Votes: 3

Thanks For The Memories


21 Oct, 2011 02:04 PM

It was 8:oo pm as my father came in and said we were going out for a surprise. This was rare, after my mother passed away after she gave birth to me, my dad was always finding it hard to juggling with his work and looking after me, this is hard as i am dyslexic. My dad needs to get extra help for me as I'm starting high school I am 11. My father took my hand and escorted me to the car. This would be the last time i set foot in this car. It was getting dark and the rain was pelting on the car i sat back and looked out the window to figure out where we were going. I was in the passenger's seat and my dad was driving. It was so cold outside that the car windows started to freeze. We were coming out of... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Pain, Sad, Memories, Family
Votes: 76

Perfection only lasts in photos.


01 Mar, 2012 12:39 AM

It was just like the initial explosion of fireworks. Your eyes widen, your break gets caught, the colors take over your vision, and you take an inevitable step back. That's how it was when I met Sean. I don't know if it was those blue jeans, or his t-shirt. Well, maybe it was that smile, or those crystal blue eyes. He brought the sunshine to me even at midnight, with a smile that always reaches his eyes. I could tell you every detail, every dream, every hope, but that isn't what love is. Love is the feelings, oh those feelings. You could know every aspect about that person, but that isn't what love is. I mean, he does stand with his hands in his pockets, or with his ankles crossed slightly leaning back, He does sing to every song he hears, he did sing to me before. Hell, he played... [Read More]

Tags: True, Sad, Love
Votes: 3

My life


29 Sep, 2011 09:34 AM

Well, I'm only 13 years old now but have gone through and experienced many problems in life. From the age of two i was violently beaten, saw my mum get beat up nearly everyday by her boyfriend..I was locked in a cupboard and starved for a week, after that i was rushed to hospital very ill. I never really settled down when i was younger, I've lived in so many different places, including living on the streets for months on end..I used to go to sleep in the morning, wake up and my mum had gone.. she'd come back a day or two later leaving me and my little sister home alone at the age of 5. Things became worse, she took up drugs. It used to kill me watching her take drugs, knowing she was damaging her body.. She was constantly taking it then in bed ill.. Things cheered... [Read More]

Tags: Unloved, Hurt, Sad, Life, Family
Votes: 7

first love


20 Sep, 2011 12:27 AM

my story starts when i was 18. i was a month away from finishing high school,when i met waqas. he was a Muslim, 23 divorced and a dad to a beautiful little girl. i was catholic school girl. i met him when i was visiting a friend of mine at her house and he was her brothers friend visiting at the same time. i liked him immediately. he was funny,smart,sexy and had a great personality. i didn't mind he was a muslim as my friend was too so i was knew all their customs and traditions. i was so shy around him the first time we met that i barely spoke two words to him. that night i got home and noticed he had sent me a friends request on facebook. mt heat skipped a beat i was so happy. we soon got talking and it just went on from... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Hurt, Lost, Sad
Votes: 7

I feel like I'm losing you...


08 Sep, 2011 02:22 PM

I wish you could see how i really feel on the inside, instead of believing all the lies that I?ve been telling you, not only you, actually everyone, including myself... Why can?t you see how I feel? Don?t you get it? I wish I just could tell you the truth, how I really feel about you. I don?t want to hide it anymore or pretend that those feelings for you aren?t there. But I feel that you?re lying about something, or at least not telling me the whole truth. We are best friends, and you?re the only one that I can truly be myself with. But I feel like we are growing apart. You don?t talk to me as much as you used to. You don?t touch me or cuddle with me as much as you used to. Everything has changed now. Now, it seems like you don?t even want... [Read More]

Tags: Best Friend, Love, Sad, Angry, Confused
Votes: 21



02 Sep, 2011 09:34 PM

This is the story of a little girl who to this day can't find it in her to trust people. Here's why: This girl's parents used to fight a lot. They'd get really mad and they'd throw things and shout and stomp around. They didn't care who they pushed out of the way when they stomped by, even if it was their 7 year old daughter crying cuz' her knee was bleeding and she needed it fixed. They didn't notice that the corner they had just thrown that plate into out of fury already had a little girl crying in it. They didn't care that she had been having nightmares and wanted someone to hug her. They just hated each other, their jobs,their house, and everything else in their worlds. And guess who was always there in between? Her. Sure, she have two little brothers, but 4-year-olds don't get why... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Childhood
Votes: 6

Inside of me forever


30 Aug, 2011 02:39 PM

That very moment when our eyes met ,his big black sparkling eyes flamed that spark that kept my hurt burning forever ,i was hypnotized by the first sight ,i couldn't stop staring at him ,but i collected my papers apologized and went to the class room ,but i kept thinking about him. I thought it was destiny when i saw him getting into the same class room (my class room) . By time we get closer and then he became my best friend ,we felt communication by each time our eyes met ,but no one could ever say the truth of his feelings ,for i was a very shy girl, i just pretended that we was just friends, even though i'm so into him and he's so into me ,but each time i see his eyes i swim inside them with all of my emotions ,i was involve with him... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, Death
Votes: 10

Sadness forever, Happiness for me doesnt exist


11 Aug, 2011 08:00 AM

I was a girl who grew up with my grandmother and grandfather. I've always wanted to be with my mom and dad. But they are separated. My mom got married again and she lives in Japan. I only see her whenever there's a special occasion. I feel so jealous whenever I see my classmates during parent's day that they're with their mom and dad. I feel so alone. I feel so i'm not loved. She can't even take us there because she's afraid to her new husband. That one day, I fell in love and gave everything to that guy and later on, he just dumped me and he is loving another girl. He ruined my life. My mom hated me. My family hated me. It's like deep inside, I am not going to do what I did if she's only here guiding me. But later on, everything is okay.... [Read More]

Tags: Breakup, Sad
Votes: 26