Showing sad stories for tag "Heartbroken"

My Ups and Downs story

Tommy Mai

10 Aug, 2014 11:01 PM

Hi well there are always ups and downs in life. Im just going to write about my biggest down and up in my entire life. If i say that i remember when was the first time we kissed its true. If i say that i remember the first time i said i loved you its a lie . If i say that you gave me light in this dark passage called life its true. I have always had a very easy going life, never really felt alone , have always had friends and family around me. The first time when i actually got to really know girls and want to get closer to them was summer when i started in high school. You know what happends ? Theres actually a girl that likes me just when i know that there are really good to have a girl in your life.... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Love, Sad, Waiting, Hurt, High School, Breakup, Cheated, Heartbroken, Heartbreak
Votes: -19

Heart break kid 'uncut'


20 Jan, 2014 08:15 PM

I've written about this before, but I guess this is going to be the 'uncut' version. I will bare my soul. I won't hold anything back. There is things I will say that I may not like, but I say them because they are the truth. She's Beautiful. She's Gorgeous. She's Amazing. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's just everything I have ever wanted and more. But she's not in my life anymore. I'm not in her life anymore. She doesn't love me anymore. She doesn't want me in her life anymore. I don't know if she hates me, but that's how it feels. At times it's felt like she has been unbelievably cruel to me. I'm sure she would say the same about me. She's lied, I've lied, we've both lied. At times we've been as bad as one another. What matters here though... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Heartbroken
Votes: 7

Painful Love.


03 Jan, 2014 07:12 AM

Some of you probably have gone through this, But so far ive been feeling alone. Well, There was this boy he was 17 at the time and i was 16. He was in my class and ive had a crush on him, id be so stupid and ask people about him. later on he adds me on Facebook, when i first saw it, the butterflies in my stomach, i felt like i could just float on cloud 9, that's how happy i was. He said "hey" and i replied with a hey back. we started talking more and more each day and say hey in person and have small talks. i was so happy to have him add me. I will admit. i wasn't the most beautiful girl he has seen. he was attractive, i was pretty big and i was just a mess, an insecure mess so i never... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Crying, Pain, Lies, Hurt, Ugly, Letgo
Votes: 8

Why I could not cry

Pierce Bonds

10 Jul, 2013 03:38 AM

The night was cold. It had just stopped raining and the streets glimmered as the moonlight and stars reflected on them. I was standing on the curb of the sidewalk under a streetlight. I had my white umbrella balanced under my palm. I check my watch. It was growing late but I didn't want to go home. I don't know why I had stopped there; on that very spot. So, I headed home. I entered the house and the strong tension hit me like a wave. I could hear my mother and my stepfather fighting in the kitchen. It wasn't their first fight. My little brother was sitting in the living room, staring at the TV with a dark screen. I asked him what was going on but he never responded. I sat next to him and he immediately wrapped him arms around me. Everything happened so fast. Mother made... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Angry, Family, Alone, Hopelss, Heartbroken, Brother, Love, Night, Rain, Cry, Tears
Votes: 4

Cougars & Break Ups

Pierce Bonds

10 Jul, 2013 04:07 PM

In the middle of my freshman year, my mother had a job offering in New York as a secretary. We moved there into this condo complex that was offered to my mother by the company. I started school in this academy where we were supposed to wear uniforms. They were itching and stuff. Summer came. I was 15 but I really wanted to find a job. There were jobs for people my age like mowing lawns or cleaning pools. I cleaned a pool for a 27 year old lady who paid me 300 dollars that day. She said if i came to clean her pool every Friday i would get 350. i accepted. I would go to her house every Friday and she would supervise everything. She was hot but i knew i didn't have a chance. One day she invited me in and offered me a drink. Without know... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Sad, Love, Cougar, Granted, Break Up, Hurt
Votes: 9

love story gone wrong


16 Jun, 2013 09:50 PM

I loved him. I thought he loved me. He lied. Everything he told me was a lie. My friends hated him Now I hate him. The story beings now. The day we met he smiled at me. I thought he was just being creepy. Later I found out he lived next door. I went to talk to him to find out we have a lots in common. That day we stared dating. My mother is not one to like me dating, our relationship was just hated. My mother worked at night so that's when he came. He would knocked and I would open the door and he would kiss me and we would just sit and talk. He would hold me this lasted for 3 months. That last day he looked me in the eyes there I knew I finally was in love with him. He kissed me and left.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Lonely, Sad, Heartbroken, Depression, Suffering, Sad Love, Scared, Secret, Sad Love Story
Votes: 10

He Left Me ....


15 Jun, 2013 10:15 AM

I met this guy over the internet in 2011 and we started talking for about a week and then we just stopped. I didn’t really think much of it until we talked again in July last year. We kept talking and in August he admitted he loved me and I said it back because I didn’t know what to say. There was this one day in August when I found out he was doing things with another girl (let’s call her Sarah*, I’m not actually going to use her real name) behind my back. I told him that I knew and he kept apologizing and saying he loved me and everything and I believed him. He then asked me to become his girlfriend, and I said yes. The thing was we have never met each other. We skyped all the time, but because we lived 3 hours away he decided... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Breakup, Hurt, Pain, Betrayal, Lost, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 7

Almost Broken

Lily Vasilyeva

01 Jun, 2013 07:32 PM

Standing at the edge of a precipice. Looking down into the bottomless abyss. No way out. A few more steps forward, and you teeter on the thin crumbling line. One more step forward and you'll fall, give in to the darkness, let it shroud your senses with blissful numbness. Just disappear from here... If you go back, you'll break apart, shatter to pieces which then will dissolve to dust under the burning merciless glare of the sun. And it'll happen oh so very slowly. After you completely break down, after there's nothing left inside of you. After the emptiness takes over and your heart becomes hollow. After your eyes are blank and empty, glazed over. When every smile you make seems to be brimming with happiness, but in reality it's like a stake being driven through your soul. When every laugh is like another needle in the pincushion that your... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Sad, Story, Pain, Hurt, Depression, Heartbeat, Heartbroken, Heartache, Abyss, Alone, Misery, Sadness
Votes: 12

He Promised Forever


22 May, 2013 02:43 AM

Hi, my name is Cecilia, and like any average 17 year old girl, I longed for a prince charming to come and sweep me up my feet and have a happy ending. Ever since I was little, fairytale stories has always been a big part of my life; it gave me hope that one day, I'll be like one of those princesses, but as I grew older, I realized that fairy tales are never going to happen to me because I'm 16 and I still haven't seen my prince charming yet (yes, this is very silly of me, I know). Then, it all began during the summer, because I am anti-social out in the real world, I couldn't possibly find my prince charming out there. I was too afraid to show my true self to society, afraid that people will make fun of me, so I decided to forget about... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Broken Promises, Lies, Betrayal, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 35

True love or lies??

Chy Pettigrew

08 May, 2013 04:12 AM

I knew him in 8th grade. He was in 7th. I liked him but as soon as a I was in high school I forgot about him. Then I become a sophomore and hes a freshman. We start talking and being friends because he already had a gf. Then he starts telling me about all their problems and I knew my old feelings for him weren't gone. They started coming back up. We just remained friends and became close to being best friends. He even told his gf that he wasnt going to get rid of me because I knew everything and that we had equal problems family wise. I wasn't with a guy for 2 years. And he was everything I wanted in a bf. He hated his relationship because his gf was turning psycho. Even her closest friends knew it. soon he broke up with her. And then... [Read More]

Tags: Confused, Sad, Hard Decision, Love, Betrayed, Heartbroken
Votes: 8