Showing sad stories for tag "Heartbroken"

The abandoned soul

Empty soul

01 Apr, 2013 08:40 AM

My heart aches and I am only a shell of a person. I set the appearance of being calm, cool, and collected, but I feel so lonely inside. I have no one. I am all alone on this earth. My "friends" do not care about me, they only want things from me. When I was young, I used to be so happy and cheerful until my mother began to emotionally torment me. She beat me with wire hangers, extension cords, and wires. Of course, to her she was only " punishing me for misbehaving" but I knew she was only taking out her frustrations. To this day I will not forget the bruises she left me and the pain and torment that she caused me. Always calling me stupid and saying I would not amount to any hiring. Truth is, I forgive her because she is my mother.. A few... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Love, Sorrow, Hatred, Heartbroken, Alone, Empty, A Shell, Unloved, Sad
Votes: 2

Once Was Love


25 Mar, 2013 01:06 AM

When I met him he was my night in shining armor he did everything right he made me proud to call him mine. I thought that what we felt would never change then one day he asked me to marry him, it was a dream coming true. He made me go crazy. He just did everything that I thought no one could ever do for me My life was wonderfully going right after everything I went through. I knew he was mine he was the one I wanted to spend my life with. But then it all changed. we were taking about having kids and being the happy family getting our own place and living a great life. Then he just started changing. It all came from him. He didn't wanted a family and all. He wanted to do was play the game. I didn't understand. I thought everything was... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Hate, Heartbroken, Lost, Hurt, Sad, Unloved
Votes: -2

Never Understood

Jun Bach

25 Feb, 2013 07:03 AM

"I met her in February the year was 2012, when we first met, the feeling was like no other, we instantly clicked. Talking led to texting once in a while which led to texting each other all the time. Making jokes, laughing, she really did make me happy. One day I decided to tell her the secret, that I wasn't happy with my home life. That my parents neglected me, I felt scared and alone. When I told her she said, "I will always be here for you". I finally felt like I wasn't alone. The months passed, great times, ups and downs but we made it work, but then in august, we began seeing each other less and less. The fights and arguments began to grow more intense. She would hint breaking up and taking breaks, so one September night I told her "maybe its best if we take... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Love, Betrayal, Lies, Unloved, Breakup, Heartbroken
Votes: 15



24 Feb, 2013 03:58 AM

I am 16 years old and I have a boyfriend of the same age. We love each other like crazy and we know that nothing can do us apart ,nothing!...we did the craziest stuff together...enjoyed each and every moment of my life with him. I had to leave and go to a different country to study so I had to leave him behind. But we still dated and called each other. It was hard for both of us although we knew that we loved each other crazily so nothing to worry.But as time went on, he felt the distance and the loneliness, it started to change him. He stopped sharing a lot with me but I kept telling him that everything will be alright. No matter the case, he still loved me so much. But there was this fear in me that one day I will have to let him... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Dream, Distance, Loneliness, Breakup, Heartbroken, Sad, Missing, Memories
Votes: 5


Princess Manabat

15 Feb, 2013 04:59 AM

We met in grade 2. I didn't really cared back then about him. Our parents became family friends in an instant. Our houses weren't that far. And we were invited to their parties. It was until grade 4, I started to notice him more. My friend, Carrie, had a crush on him. She introduced me to him around the end of gr.3. That was when I really started to take interest. After Christmas break, in the grade 4 year, my friend Carrie just kept talking about how awesome he is and such things. During those talks, I developed feelings for him for the first time. We got to know each other since our families were close friends. We were like BFF's. We played outside, everyday during summer with other friends. But that relationship didn't last very long. Grade5, he knew that I had a crush on him. So we started... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, True Story, Heartbreaking, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 5

Somebody That I Used To Know

Faliha Ishma

27 Jan, 2013 10:00 AM

It all began when I was 14th years old. At that moment, I was just a teenager who only wanted to make my parents proud. When I was only about 2 years old, my parents got divorced. I did not understand anything at that moment because I was still a kid. Then, my mom raised me all alone. She became a single parent. She told me that it was really a tough job to raise me all by herself. Luckily, my grandmother helped her a lot. Okay, when I was in 8th grade, I had a crush on a guy. He was my classmate. He was a transferred student. When I first met him, I did not feel anything towards him. I did not talk to him at first, we just shared some smiles. But one day, I just felt like this guy got something on his eyes that captivated... [Read More]

Tags: Betrayal, Unloved, Sad Love, Hurt, Pain, Tears, Heartbroken
Votes: 16

Bittersweet Love


21 Jan, 2013 07:08 AM

My name is Rikki. I fell in love at 16 with a beautiful young woman named Alyssa. Here's our story. Some friends of mine decided we were going to meet some girls at the bowling alley. We did because one of my friends had a thing with one of the girls(Alyssa). As we walked up in the night to these three girls.. I fell in love at first site. We spent more time outside of the bowling alley just talking than we did inside bowling. At any chance I had, I would talk to her one on one. The night ends... I later find she is in my chemistry class. For one trimester I would glance from a distance.. the second trimester we became friends. We would tease each other and we started talking outside of school. The third trimester we sat by each other. About this time she was... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Breakup, Sad, Memories, Heartbroken, Depression
Votes: 8

No trust


19 Jan, 2013 12:41 AM

I have known my best friends since I can remember. They have always been there for me, good or bad, the so called friends forever. They don't really talk to my boyfriend though, lets call him angel. My best friends are Jenni and Kamli. As I got ready to pack to leave for vacations my friends started blowing up my phone with little cute things: don't go I'm going to miss you, I'm going to go over to your house and kidnap you so you don't leave. I knew that my friends really loved me. The day before I left I hanged out with Angel. He was so sweet to me that day, it was just perfect. He kissed me softly so innocently and calm, no rush. As I got ready to go home, he grabbed me and hugged me really tight and didn't let go and as he did... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Cheated, Unloved, Heartbroken, Breakup, Sad
Votes: 7

Still Living For You


17 Jan, 2013 10:58 AM

As everyone say that in every girl's life there is a summer when it all one began in the same way.. One day I met him..he loved me but did not say a word.. We were friends...good friends..he made me laugh every time I day he called me and told me that he loves me..I was totally in a shock because I only thought him as my friend..but as time passed by he became more friendly, loving and caring...He was just like my best friend..he never pressurized me to love him.. he was there every time I needed him, he was right there beside me.. whenever I cried he used to wipe my tears..he used to make my anger disappear..he used to calm me down maybe that's why a feeling started to grow for him inside me..maybe that's why I had a big space for him in my... [Read More]

Tags: Girl, Waiting, Heartbroken, Lost Love, Sad, Memories, Missing
Votes: 12



06 Jan, 2013 10:10 AM

I want to tell everyone, that we must think and decide everything better and think about the affect that will happen in the future. Because one day we will regret what we have chosen and I fell in the same mistake over and over again, and believe me, never hurt anyone you love because karma does exist. I was a playgirl back then, I never cared with boy's feelings when I suddenly told them to "breakup". But one day my friend introduced me to a cute decent boy. My friend told me I should stop messing around with boy's feelings, and stand only for one boy. My new journey started on cold winter. He was the smartest boy I've ever met, glasses and sparkling eyes made me drown into him. It was hard to convince him to be my boyfriend but finally he fell for me too.He helped me in... [Read More]

Tags: Break Up, Heartbroken, Playgirl, Cheated, Lies, Unloved, Betrayal, Sad, Hurt
Votes: 8