Showing sad stories for tag "Heartbroken"

Another Story to Read

Miss C.

05 Jan, 2013 06:34 AM

It has been a while since I last thought of the first love I've ever had. But here I go again, regressing to a period in my life that I should just get over and accept! For some reason though, I can't. Not fully anyway. My thoughts wander back to him, just as a child wanders away from its parents and into a candy store. However, I want to tell my story. So here it goes! My first love (for reference sake let's call him MAN.I know, I have no creativity.) caught my eye sophomore year in high school. He was immensely tall- 6foot 1'- had lovely hazel eyes, and cute shaggy brown hair. Little did he know that I planned to win his affection and become his girlfriend. It was my hero's quest, and I was determined to fulfill my destiny! I had never wanted a boyfriend before. I... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Best Friend, Sad, True Story, Dream, Broken, Heartbroken
Votes: 13


Jessi Lassiter

01 Jan, 2013 08:06 AM

Here is a true story about a heartbreak that I'm still getting over. A little over a year ago, about September of 2011, I met a boy named Tony. He was extremely handsome, funny, and popular. I liked him, but he could be arrogant sometimes. A couple months later we became friends (not super close, though) and starting talking/texting. In the hallways, he would say ''hi'' to me, we'd sit at the same lunch table, and we joked with each other occasionally. In about May of 2012, Tony asked me to video chat with him. With me liking him, I obviously agreed. We flirted a lot, and learned more about each other; He even called me beautiful! Once we were done video chatting, I felt amazing. I couldn't believe he had called me beautiful. But once we went back to school, things weren't so amazing. He was avoiding me at... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Heartbreak, Pain, Agony, Suffering, Unloved, Alone
Votes: 6

My best friend ignores me

Johan Pisang

31 Dec, 2012 11:19 AM

Hi, all of you! I am a sensitive guy, living in Stockholm. I joined here because I want to talk about something that is too embarrassing to talk about with any of my friends. I am so sad! The Christmas was past and I hadn't hear anything from my best friend for weeks. Not a sms, not an e-mail and not a message at Facebook. She didn't even called me to thank for the Christmas gift I sent to her, but she has taken her time to both write and call others. I know that because they told me. It was so embarrassing. The following nights I cried rivers of tears when I realized that my beloved little friend ignores me again, after all I have done for her. This is not the first time she act like this. I often use to be the last thing in her priorities,... [Read More]

Tags: Best Friend, Heartbroken, Unloved, Sad, Hurt
Votes: 6

Friends Versus Girlfriend

Phylburt Fagestorm

30 Dec, 2012 12:26 PM

It was late at night and Isabella called and called Trevor but he does not answer. He just texted her that he was at a friend's. It's been a couple of weeks since Trevor start to become busy with his friends and the fact that he never have time to text or chat Bella made her feel insecure. One night, Bella cried so she texted Trevor, "Are we fighting?" but there's no reply "What did I do to u?" But still no reply.. So She called Him Trevor: Oh Sorry, Babe my phone is in silent Bella: where are you? Trevor: I'm at a friend's Bella: Again?! Trevor: Why? are you mad? Bella: Don't you know what it is now? Trevor: What? what do you mean? Bella: I'll go there, where's that house? Trevor: You can't go in here Babe!! Bella: Why Not?! Trevor: J--Just don't go! Then Trevor ended... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Death, Waiting, Sorrow, Alone, Friendship, Depressed, Cry, Tears, Hate, Guilt, Missing, Heartbroken
Votes: 8

Last love

Mei Mei

18 Dec, 2012 03:24 PM

It started when I was in senior high. My class consisted only 16 students. I was an introverted, shy girl. Nobody talked to me as I never gave them a chance to get close to me. I was never interested in any kind of relationship. Whenever it gets to a group work, nobody wants me. All I do was to wait if a group lacks member. Even when my classmate made fun of me, I kept quiet. I once told myself that I should no longer be an introverted girl, yet I don't know why I can't. One day, a new boy called Jack entered my class. He was fat ass, dorky. I believed he would be no different from me. However, he was actually outgoing, nice and smart boy. He was kind to everyone. He praises everybody, even me. He said, "Woah! I'm sitting next to a genius girl!"... [Read More]

Tags: Jealousy, Friendship, Sad, Love, Tragedy, Unloved, Heartbroken, Death, Tears
Votes: 18

Cupid shot me with an arrow of trouble


11 Dec, 2012 09:14 PM

Its funny how on TV the image of a relationship is simple. You meet a guy/girl in freshman, fall deeply in love. The relationship carries on all through high school and college. Having special moments when you say "I love you for the first time." Going to prom together etc. And then getting married and living happy ever after. That's not my case at all. I'll start by saying I was surrounded by a family filled with failed marriages, relationships. So at a young age I knew not to believe all the lovey dovey stuff I saw on TV. I went through my first year of High School watching girls desperately go after the senior boys, football players, anything to get there status in the role of High School a little bit higher. Me on the other hand was avoiding all the arrows cupid had thrown at me. Until I... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbroken, Confused, Help, True Story, Betrayal
Votes: 11

Only Been Weeks


10 Dec, 2012 05:25 AM

It's only been weeks since I last saw him, but it feels like years. I can still remember his smile, like I saw it yesterday, but its only been weeks His name was James. Tall, athletic,class clown, and my heart throb. I spent sixth and seventh grade just staring at him, looking at him, and even stalking him on Facebook. Yeah, I admit it. Then high school came. I became taller, prettier, and louder. Finally, just finally, James started to notice me. It feels like it's only been weeks since he asked me out. We went to the beach, and dinner, it was pretty cool. No awkward moments or anything. Soon, we were joined at the hip. James and Arcana, James and Arcana, it was the perfect match. He was my best friend. No, more than that.We were the popular couple. Gossip went around about us, whispers about what we... [Read More]

Tags: Breakup, Moving On, True Story, Heartbroken, Love, Sad, Cry, Unloved
Votes: 15


Joanna Baily

23 Nov, 2012 11:36 PM

Its been a year. A whole year since I lost him. He was my everything. His name was John. Our relationship was exactly how I wanted it to be. We started out best friends. And that's all we ever wanted to be. Neither of us ever thought of turning it into more. It was on one Saturday night, we went to a party together, both of us were a little drunk. We were in high school, and one of our friends had the idea to act like little kids again and play spin the bottle. Why not? We had nothing to lose. We sat in a circle of course and took turns. We kept playing and we kept kissing whoever the bottle pointed too. With each guy I kissed, nothing. Not even a hint of a spark. Then, the bottle pointed towards Jon. I leaned in to kiss him. And... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Cheated, Heartbroken, Sad, Betrayed, Sadness
Votes: 12



18 Nov, 2012 04:43 AM

I met her exactly 2 and a half years ago. I was going through a rough time. I was addicted to drugs and on top of that I was drinking heavily. I met this girl, we talked once in a while. I didn't pay much attention to her till we talked a lot more often. Something made me smile, she never judged me in any way. I remember her and I just started to talk about each others problems in everyday life. She seemed to care for me when I vented to her. I started to smile whenever I caught myself thinking about her. We started sending texts to each other more often. Although on my own time I was having more problems happening around me due to my addictions. I couldn't handle it anymore. During the time she moved to her dads which was down in the states. (I... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Long Distance, Drugs, Love, Breakup, Heartbroken, Pain, Suicide, Alone
Votes: 9

I will never have true love...


24 Oct, 2012 09:08 AM

This is the story or a girl who fell in love but it's too late. That girl is me. I've known him for five years, he has loved me for two years, and yet...I realized how deep my feelings are for him...When I left Egypt. I lived in Egypt for most of my life, but currently I live in England. My father's job is the reason why I travel, we have been to Dubai, Lebanon, France, Egypt and England. I'm still fifteen, and I've lived in that much places. I never minded travelling. In fact I love travelling, but when it depends on losing your friends, its a bit hard. I was in Egypt when my father got his job in England. I was thirteen, and it was very hard for me to leave my best friends...It was also a bit hard to say goodbye to him knowing that he... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Pain, Missing, True Story, Heartbroken, Lonely, Depressed, Regret, Love
Votes: 8