Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

The Undying Love

Julia Sullivan

22 Jun, 2013 08:49 PM

I'm currently 18 and this story started way back when I was 13. I had a 3 year major crush on this cute guy. After waiting and having kept the developing feeling, I was soooo happy to finally know from a friend that he actually fell for me. LIKE FINALLY. Well, you know that happiness. Well, after getting more about each other for several months when we started to get closer, he finally decided to ask me to be his girlfriend, which was what made me felt so good about it. It was worth the wait. We dated for like 7 months, we went out a lot, explore places, go for hiking, out for dinner at good dining places, and writing lengthy love letters to each other even though we usually meet during school. I would always remember how he loved to kiss my forehead, waved and blow a kiss... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Sad, Heartbreak, Sorrow, Betrayal, Unloved, Breakup, Sadness
Votes: 17

love story gone wrong


16 Jun, 2013 09:50 PM

I loved him. I thought he loved me. He lied. Everything he told me was a lie. My friends hated him Now I hate him. The story beings now. The day we met he smiled at me. I thought he was just being creepy. Later I found out he lived next door. I went to talk to him to find out we have a lots in common. That day we stared dating. My mother is not one to like me dating, our relationship was just hated. My mother worked at night so that's when he came. He would knocked and I would open the door and he would kiss me and we would just sit and talk. He would hold me this lasted for 3 months. That last day he looked me in the eyes there I knew I finally was in love with him. He kissed me and left.... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Lonely, Sad, Heartbroken, Depression, Suffering, Sad Love, Scared, Secret, Sad Love Story
Votes: 10

He Left Me ....


15 Jun, 2013 10:15 AM

I met this guy over the internet in 2011 and we started talking for about a week and then we just stopped. I didn’t really think much of it until we talked again in July last year. We kept talking and in August he admitted he loved me and I said it back because I didn’t know what to say. There was this one day in August when I found out he was doing things with another girl (let’s call her Sarah*, I’m not actually going to use her real name) behind my back. I told him that I knew and he kept apologizing and saying he loved me and everything and I believed him. He then asked me to become his girlfriend, and I said yes. The thing was we have never met each other. We skyped all the time, but because we lived 3 hours away he decided... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Breakup, Hurt, Pain, Betrayal, Lost, Sad, Unloved
Votes: 7

Fake Love

isha kamble

06 Jun, 2013 05:21 PM

My story is really very short but very deep (at least for me). So, it all started on a social networking site. I met a guy who was 2 years elder than me. Actually I knew him before because he was one of my friend's sibling. We started interacting and between all our jokes and laughter somewhere I fell in love with him. Then came a day I couldn't live without him. He said one day he felt the same about me. He proposed me and I accepted him. I really loved that guy. I was so much in love with him , I could have left every thing behind if he'd asked me to do so. He did every single thing a boyfriend does for his girlfriend and I thought he is REALLY IN LOVE with me. But just after 47 days of our relationship he came and said... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Relationship, Memories, Sad, Hurt, Breakup
Votes: 4

I Hope You Are Happy


04 Jun, 2013 01:49 AM

I’m a 16th yo girl and fell in love with a 25th yo guy. He is from India and I’m from Indonesia. Here is my story. We met on the biggest social network facebook. I got an advice from my friend to add him, so I did. That day was only 2 more days before my 15th birthday. He started conversation by sending me message on the chatbox. “Hi” “hello” “how are you” “um,,I'm fine,you?” That was the first conversation between me and him. I thought it wouldn’t be longer. But I was wrong, he kept on sending me some casual messages at morning and night. We started to talk about hobby and our favorite things. To be honest, he was really polite to me (as many guys are always talks rude in social networks) and I liked him. But only “like” no more feelings. Day by day passes, we... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, Love Hurts, True Story, Hurt, Pain, Letting Go, Long Distance Relationship, Brokenheart, Breakup, M
Votes: 20



09 Jun, 2013 01:06 PM

He trudged through the ankle-deep snow, his hands in his pockets and his eyes on his shoes. Fallen snow stuck in his wavy hair and his eyelashes. He was was walking away from the worst day of his life. He looked back on these past few days... He had first seen her walking down this very block block months ago, her long dark hair flecked with drops of rain. He had been starstruck when he saw her, and ran through the deluge or rain, trying to catch up with her. She turned a corner. He followed. When he caught up to her, he was breathless. She smiled at him as he gasped for air. Then she turned into the coffee shop. He sat at the booth while she was working behind the counter. He couldn't stop looking at her. After a while, he managed to walk up to the counter... [Read More]

Tags: Accident, Death, Love, Sad, Separation, Memories, Heartbreak
Votes: 14

Lost at War


03 Jun, 2013 11:38 PM

She woke up with a start. Then the cement block of grief hit her once again. The past week had been the worst week of her life. Her dreams had been good, though. He was still with her in those dreams, but in reality, it would never be so again. She got up, stretched, then put on his old coat she kept by her bed. Before she swept out the door, she spotted some old pictures on the wall. They were all taken with him when he was still here. The sight of them made the pain in her chest even worse. She shut the door, hoping that the loud noise would bring her back to her senses. She knew she had to stay strong, for his sake. She walked down the narrow street, crisp autumn leaves crunching and crackling under her shoes. The leaves reminded her when she and... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Memories, Love, Pain, Sad, Tears, Cry
Votes: 7

Almost Broken

Lily Vasilyeva

01 Jun, 2013 07:32 PM

Standing at the edge of a precipice. Looking down into the bottomless abyss. No way out. A few more steps forward, and you teeter on the thin crumbling line. One more step forward and you'll fall, give in to the darkness, let it shroud your senses with blissful numbness. Just disappear from here... If you go back, you'll break apart, shatter to pieces which then will dissolve to dust under the burning merciless glare of the sun. And it'll happen oh so very slowly. After you completely break down, after there's nothing left inside of you. After the emptiness takes over and your heart becomes hollow. After your eyes are blank and empty, glazed over. When every smile you make seems to be brimming with happiness, but in reality it's like a stake being driven through your soul. When every laugh is like another needle in the pincushion that your... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Sad, Story, Pain, Hurt, Depression, Heartbeat, Heartbroken, Heartache, Abyss, Alone, Misery, Sadness
Votes: 12

Imagine this


27 May, 2013 04:16 AM

Okay, imagine this. Being the most "popular" girl in the 6th grade. (As so I thought.) having all the guys like you. Always the center of the attention. You may think I am all for myself, but I am not. I am being serious. I was considered, the "popular girl" not one of those snobby types you see in the movies, like Mean girls, or your occasional drama movie. I was caring. I loved my friends, family, god, everything. I wouldn't ever let anyone or anything change me, and who I was as a person. Imagine having all that, and thinking you're on top of the world, when a new girl moves in. At that time, all the guys started liking her. Yeah it's 6th grade, big whoop. But when you are in 6th grade, and having a guy like you, was like the best thing ever. Back to the... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Sad, Fake Friends, Betrayal, Sadness, Alone, Depression
Votes: 7

I Failed


27 May, 2013 02:28 AM

Hi there, call me simply ddangko,, well, just straight to the point that I've failed at my first job after 3 months probation. yes, I didn't pass that probation, and I'm always rejected whenever I apply job. All the interviewer I faced always look at me like,,"ah, you failed the probation" I used to work at junior programmer at some digital agency. Sooner I've found that the workload was really out of my capacity,, I don't have a strong logic and problem solving ability that a programmer should (have been) have (had). Maybe when it comes to learn, I had lack of catching and convincing a brand new thing that came up to me simultaneously. In any scope of subject. So here now it hurts me a lot that I realized I only made my private tutor feed up,tired, irritated, bored,annoyed…this happened to all the tutor that has ever taught... [Read More]

Tags: Failed, Depression, Confession, Sad
Votes: -1