Showing sad stories for tag "sad"

He Promised Forever


22 May, 2013 02:43 AM

Hi, my name is Cecilia, and like any average 17 year old girl, I longed for a prince charming to come and sweep me up my feet and have a happy ending. Ever since I was little, fairytale stories has always been a big part of my life; it gave me hope that one day, I'll be like one of those princesses, but as I grew older, I realized that fairy tales are never going to happen to me because I'm 16 and I still haven't seen my prince charming yet (yes, this is very silly of me, I know). Then, it all began during the summer, because I am anti-social out in the real world, I couldn't possibly find my prince charming out there. I was too afraid to show my true self to society, afraid that people will make fun of me, so I decided to forget about... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Broken Promises, Lies, Betrayal, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 35

The broken bond.


21 May, 2013 01:19 AM

Singing and acting has clichés, some accept and hail you for talent, others see you as the spawn of Beelzebub himself. My (former) Father was the later. He believed that I was in a homosexual relationship with my best friend, thought I sold my soul to the devil, called me "fat ass," or "faggot" and even saying things as horid as " If you don't lose your virginity by the time you're 15, I'm buying you a call girl." Because of the verbal abuse I was receiving, I saw a therapist, upon discovering this, my father disowned me. It hurts when you are so disgusting, even your own father considers you unfit to be his son. His last words he ever said to me were, "Son, its a fucking disgrace my name is attached to you." The look of hatred in his eyes was just like the one of the... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Disowned, Hopeless, Disgrace, Hate, Bullied, Alone, Sad
Votes: -1

My Feet Drag On…


27 Jun, 2013 09:44 PM

It was January 5th, 2013 the day that changed my life. New Years was over and it was the first weekend after returning to school. I had been talking to this girl for a few months, and it was never flirtatious, just great friends. It was in school that we got the idea of watching Monsters Inc., or at least we were joking around about it cause it was such a great movie. (We both like animated films, she loves them though) But that Saturday I remember being on the bus and not having anything to do till 6:00 p.m. where I had to go house sit, and her name came across my phone. So I called her up and made the plans, we were going to go catch the afternoon show and it turned out to be one of the best days of my life. I remember walking past... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Confused, Heartbreak, True Story, Forever, Breakup, Memories, Missing, Sad
Votes: 36

That Boy


16 May, 2013 01:09 AM

In 7th grade I met this boy and we became best friends until I realized I had many feelings for him. So to be the bigger person I went up to him and told him how I felt... A day later he asked me to a dance and of course I said yes....later that week I realized I was his second choice...what a heart breaker He found out that I knew and called me to try and fix everything...After a while of being strong I realized he was crying and I felt so bad so I forgave him cuz I was absolutely in love with him...We had a terrific time at the dance...then a few days later he asked my friend Shelby out and then this girl McKenna out... The problem was I couldn't get over him...but I knew I had to try... About 3 months later they break up... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Betrayed, Sad, Missing, Memories, Unloved, Hurt, Pain, Sadness
Votes: 7

Life of a Fool

Timothy Elifas

14 May, 2013 03:56 PM

Life… They say life is hell. Some say, hell itself comes from humanity. Some say, it comes from politics. Me, personally…? I say it comes from love. Well, no matter how much I grieve, no matter how hard I cry… Love won’t make me feel any better. I was once believed in love. I put my trust on love. Everything I’ve got on love. I bet my sanity that my love would go on. “I have never been so wrong.” I was once betrayed by love. I moved on, knowing that I deserve better. The second time I was betrayed, I didn’t really care. But…This time… Is someone that I love most. The one that you all may call “The Perfect Angel”. I believed that we will love each other, Seeking a way out together for every problem, And, I was once again, wrong. Her eyes gave me serenity. Her... [Read More]

Tags: Betrayal, Lost, Broken, Unloved, Sad, Heartbreak
Votes: 15

True love or lies??

Chy Pettigrew

08 May, 2013 04:12 AM

I knew him in 8th grade. He was in 7th. I liked him but as soon as a I was in high school I forgot about him. Then I become a sophomore and hes a freshman. We start talking and being friends because he already had a gf. Then he starts telling me about all their problems and I knew my old feelings for him weren't gone. They started coming back up. We just remained friends and became close to being best friends. He even told his gf that he wasnt going to get rid of me because I knew everything and that we had equal problems family wise. I wasn't with a guy for 2 years. And he was everything I wanted in a bf. He hated his relationship because his gf was turning psycho. Even her closest friends knew it. soon he broke up with her. And then... [Read More]

Tags: Confused, Sad, Hard Decision, Love, Betrayed, Heartbroken
Votes: 8

Broken Up

Xyla Baites

20 Aug, 2013 01:24 AM

I remember a boy. I remember a boy with bright blue eyes rimmed with dark, heavy eyelashes. I remember a boy with feathery kisses and soothing hands. I remember another boy. I remember me. I remember my sparkling green eyes and plump lips. I remember my flaws and faults. I remember my willingness. "God, you're so gay," he'd whisper teasingly in between kisses. "Yeah, gay for you," I'd reply, breathless from the work his hands were doing underneath the covers. He solved my problems, my secret anger management issues. He'd stroke my back calmly and whisper in my ear how much he loved me until my breathing evened out. He made sure I wouldn't hit anyone else with no reason. And because I loved him, oh-so-deeply with my heart attached to his, I obeyed. I behaved myself and ignored what others said, even if they tried to provoke me. All... [Read More]

Tags: Remember, Death, Depression, Love, Murder, Sad, Memories
Votes: -3



02 May, 2013 02:45 AM

It was 2011. I was in 8th grade and I had just left a dreadful summer. The bell rang and school was out. Now going to sonic after school was a cool thing to do and so I did it. I saw you sitting there. Wondering if you noticed me or even recognized me from summer. We sat there. As awkward as two people can be. Had a few chuckles here and there. Then we exchanged numbers and went on our way. Starting that day I had a new texting buddy. You were such an amazing texter. Keeping our conversation going and bringing life to them. We started hanging out at the Amphitheater and slowly I grew onto you like a vine twisting and hooking it's self to a rail or wall. Now I didn't have any intentions on letting you become the biggest thing in my life but you... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Stupidity, Unloved, Hurt, Memories, Sad, Broken Heart, Sadness
Votes: 3

She's Broken .


02 May, 2013 10:28 AM

She's an innocent little girl named Natasha who grew up with no one and nothing. Her mother didn't have time for her or her sisters. Her mother had time for drugs and sex. She was 4 and she was confused. She asked God everyday why her mommy didn't love her. Natasha asks her mommy why she doesn't love her and her mother says "Because you're worthless! You're ugly and disgusting and you're not my kid!" Natasha just cries, she doesn't understand why her mother says the things that she says. She's cold, hungry and scared. Her mother never feeds her or her sisters. Instead her mother sits there and eats in front of them, making her and her sisters smell the food but if they try to eat it, they know they'll get beat,so they go to bed starving. Natasha stinks and is extremely dirty. Her mom didn't pay any... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Sadness, Broken, Sad Story, Pain, Painful, Hurt, Help, Hopeless, Alone, Crying, Confused, Cutting, Giving Up
Votes: 29

My life story


01 May, 2013 03:13 AM

This all starts when I was four, My parents had had 3 kids of their own, My dad's daughter (half sister)so that makes four. Well first we adopted, what I now call my sister Shania. Either way, we would be related, because see she was my cousin. Her mom went to jail 3 weeks after she was born, so her mom had to give her other two children to a lady named Maxine. Maxine couldn't take the youngest child, "Shania" So my mom and dad said they would take her, I felt so bad for her, like I do now, because she feels unwanted sometimes. But that's not the only sad thing. A year later, In June 2004, my whole life gets turned upside down. My grandpa visited our house, and so my dad decided to walk him home, all of us kids fell asleep before he could get home.... [Read More]

Tags: Family, Memories, Father, Death, Life, Sad, Missing
Votes: 4