Showing sad stories for tag "false love"

love that never exsisted


04 Sep, 2010 06:06 PM

one day i got a myspace friend request from a boy. he was so cute. he sent me a message and we talked for days. we exchanged numbers & texted 24/7 ! i called him on his birthday, we talked every night. we drew each others pictures; but never saw each other. i found out he lived in Virginia. & i live in Connecticut / that hurt me but i knew we could still be friends. he was the most amazing boy i have ever met, i didn't know there were boys like him out there. he would always make me smile, feel good when I'm down & help me with my problems. he had brothers , i talked to them; got close to them & everything. then one day his older brother messaged me telling me khaliyl got shot. i cried for days & day, they told me he... [Read More]

Tags: False Love, Cheated, Myspace
Votes: 4