Showing sad stories for tag "toxic"



21 Sep, 2018 10:05 PM

November 26th 2015,the day my life went down hill,I met Chris off of MeetMe,my mom had a bad feeling about him. I didn’t listen and still talked to him,we texted everyday all day I thought he was the love of my life. I met up with him one night,I was nervous I was shaking I didn’t know what was gonna happen. We ended up having sex. I got so attached to his man,from than on I was sneaking out of the house to go see him spending time with him at his apartment which I thought was his ittl he told me he was living with his ex girlfriend but called her his roommate. And then one day I gotten pregnant,he wanted a kid and I was going to give him what he wanted but it didn’t happen, I ended up having a miscarriage which I almost died from and... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Toxic
Votes: 16

Mike part 3...


07 Sep, 2018 06:04 AM

There’s a part three to my story about mike hopefully their won’t be a part four, but here we go. I moved back to the place I got kicked out from the end of July, and things have been going good, one of the conditions of living here is no speaking to mike, I thought okay no problem, not easy as I thought. The week I moved back in mike was calling me from jail every other day and I couldn’t answer it because he had no money on the phone call, so he kept calling and calling and calling. I got fed up with it so I changed my number and made sure he didn’t get it. Time passed by and I was finally getting my life back together going to church more and doing stuff to keep my mind busy, well one day me and my foster dad... [Read More]

Tags: Dangerous, Toxic
Votes: 1