Showing sad stories for tag "unsaid"

The Dream I Didn't See


18 Jun, 2012 08:02 AM

Earlier this year,I was getting my things out of my bag to begin the day when I noticed an unfamiliar face in my classroom. The teacher announced that he was a new student and that he was going to choose someone to show him around and help him throughout the school day. I didn't think much of him until he requested that I show him around. I was skeptical but I agreed to show him the ropes. Throughout the day he chatted my ear off with questions about ME. I had no idea why this boy was interested in knowing me at all, so I confronted him. I demanded to know why he had taken an interest to me so quickly. He was silent for a moment and just said he thought I was pretty and he thought he might want to know what I had to say. I thanked... [Read More]

Tags: Miss, Loss, Love, Unsaid, Sadness
Votes: 3