Showing sad stories for tag "worthless"

The life I had


28 Feb, 2017 05:43 AM

Alright. I don't want to make this over formal or annoyingly depressing. But hey - I'm going to be completely honest in this. It feels like I have somewhere to say all my troubles because I can't tell them to my friends or anything. So here we go! Part 1. Who I am! I'm the kid everyone knows. My name is Lyric, I'm a guy, I've done modeling gigs and a lot of girls say I'm attractive. I am NOT narcissistic. I just want to make that clear because a lot of (not to be rude) not very good looking people whine about not getting a girl / guy but it's obvious why. Sorry to be rude. Anyway - literally every kid at my school knows me. The kid who is always fighting. The kid who is always making people laugh. The kid who is always being nice and caring... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Sad, Teenager, Teen, Love, Loved, Hated, Worthless, Dead
Votes: 29